Backburner Art #2a- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (Main Campaign)
Just shadows. Maybe we should ease back on those shadows.

One of my favorite childhood games, so I did a little scene of my stream's team looking at the sun (they're blind now), at the Hill of the Ancients.
Let's get this out of the way: I could've done better with the shadows. Don't get me wrong, the contrast is exactly what I was looking for, but I wish I would've found a better way to keep said contrast while being able to see more of the scene. The background sun and sky look cool though.
The mudkip (named Bhlue) and the magnemite (named Polarious) are probably the most distinguishable and well-drawn pokemon here. The cyndaquil (named Cyris) and especially the absol (named Abbisol) are the weakest designs here. I wish I did Abbisol more justice, although I guess the shading masks some of that.
So in short, great idea, not-so-well execution.