Backburner Art #4a- Half-Life (Main Game)

Just make everything glow.

Backburner Art #4a- Half-Life (Main Game)
The wrong man at the wrong time.

I thought this would take longer to make, but I finished it in a few hours. It was a fun session of drawing.

This is the scene where everything went wrong for Black Mesa, at the beginning of Half-Life. I went with a more simple approach to the background as opposed to adding some of the more intricate details that the game shows (like the stuff on the walls).

I forgot to add some of the other things that help the device make lasers, but the lasers themselves were a blast to make. I got a wavy-enough brush and drew a slight jagged zig-zagged line with one color, then a lighter color. Then with the base color I got a different brush to make all of the other laser thingies going everywhere. These lasers got the Heat-Glow blend mode. I then got another brush using the lighter color to trace where the lasers are, then edited the layer a bit, including adding a blend mode (don't remember what it was though). The base lasers also got their own layer styles, the classic Outer Glow, with the fuzzy pixels to make it look staticky and electric-like.

With some glow effects included, this turned out to be a pretty cool piece.