Backburner Art #5a- Pokemon: Yellow Version (Main Campaign)
Got some new brushes to make my drawing faster, but also tried some new techniques.

What an interesting experience, this game was.
Anyways, for any of these main Pokemon games, I definitely plan on drawing the full team posing, with whatever happened in the Elite Four battles being reflected on them. This is only for the times in which I can beat the Elite Four, which most of the time is the finale of the main campaign.
Before explaining the pokemon and what happened, here are some drawing notes:
I got some new brushes in my art program Krita. As in, I just modified two brushes into three of my own brushes. Originally, even with messing with the files, I still got a bit of anti-aliasing on my brushes. I got two of the regular brushes intended for pixel art (single pixel & dithering pixels), and made the single pixel into a line art tool, took the new line art tool and reversed it into an eraser that won't leave translucency, and a better dithering tool. Now I can just draw and erase, without having to magic-wand unselect the transparency on the layer and fill up those anti-aliasing parts, making my art become quicker (in theory).
I am also trying to figure out how to add post-processing to my art without ruining the tone I want to convey. For this scene I couldn't do much, in fact going the minimal route actually works better than if I tried more stuff just to make it darker.
Cinnymoon the Kabutops-
Name Origin: His fossil was found at Mt. Moon, and he was resurrected at Cinnabar Island.
Notable Achievement: Catching up real quick with the rest of the team once resurrected.
Vikture the Nidoking-
Name Origin: He was caught on the route bordering Victory Road.
Notable Achievement: Defeating Brock's gym, despite being a Nidoran/Nidorino at the time.
Moonshroom the Parasect-
Name Origin: He has mushrooms, and was found in Mt. Moon.
Notable Achievement: Fainting Fools Gold's Alakazam.
Dr. Zapixl the Pikachu-
Name Origin: Her name is a portmanteau of Zap (an act electricity does) and a corrupt form of Pixel (a unit of visual measurement on computers). The Dr. part came from where I received her.
Notable Achievement: Staying as a Pikachu, and being my starter that withstood everything in our path.
Sparkle the Charizard-
Name Origin: Her name is just a verb that fire sometimes does.
Notable Achievement: Going on a training montage in order to evolve into Charizard.
Caddie the Fearow-
Name Origin: She was caught in order to learn the move Fly, therefore would be able to take us places.
Notable Achievement: Proved unusually well at dealing with the ghosts of Lavender Town.