Backburner Art #5a- Pokemon: Yellow Version (Main Campaign)

Got some new brushes to make my drawing faster, but also tried some new techniques.

Backburner Art #5a- Pokemon: Yellow Version (Main Campaign)
We sure made a fool outta someone that day...

What an interesting experience, this game was.

Anyways, for any of these main Pokemon games, I definitely plan on drawing the full team posing, with whatever happened in the Elite Four battles being reflected on them. This is only for the times in which I can beat the Elite Four, which most of the time is the finale of the main campaign.

Before explaining the pokemon and what happened, here are some drawing notes:

I got some new brushes in my art program Krita. As in, I just modified two brushes into three of my own brushes. Originally, even with messing with the files, I still got a bit of anti-aliasing on my brushes. I got two of the regular brushes intended for pixel art (single pixel & dithering pixels), and made the single pixel into a line art tool, took the new line art tool and reversed it into an eraser that won't leave translucency, and a better dithering tool. Now I can just draw and erase, without having to magic-wand unselect the transparency on the layer and fill up those anti-aliasing parts, making my art become quicker (in theory).

I am also trying to figure out how to add post-processing to my art without ruining the tone I want to convey. For this scene I couldn't do much, in fact going the minimal route actually works better than if I tried more stuff just to make it darker.

Cinnymoon the Kabutops-

Name Origin: His fossil was found at Mt. Moon, and he was resurrected at Cinnabar Island.

Notable Achievement: Catching up real quick with the rest of the team once resurrected.

Vikture the Nidoking-

Name Origin: He was caught on the route bordering Victory Road.

Notable Achievement: Defeating Brock's gym, despite being a Nidoran/Nidorino at the time.

Moonshroom the Parasect-

Name Origin: He has mushrooms, and was found in Mt. Moon.

Notable Achievement: Fainting Fools Gold's Alakazam.

Dr. Zapixl the Pikachu-

Name Origin: Her name is a portmanteau of Zap (an act electricity does) and a corrupt form of Pixel (a unit of visual measurement on computers). The Dr. part came from where I received her.

Notable Achievement: Staying as a Pikachu, and being my starter that withstood everything in our path.

Sparkle the Charizard-

Name Origin: Her name is just a verb that fire sometimes does.

Notable Achievement: Going on a training montage in order to evolve into Charizard.

Caddie the Fearow-

Name Origin: She was caught in order to learn the move Fly, therefore would be able to take us places.

Notable Achievement: Proved unusually well at dealing with the ghosts of Lavender Town.