Backlog Art #14- Super Mario Bros. 3
This kinda looks like something you'd see as a shadow-box... except for that boo.

The best Mario game I've played on stream (at the time of drawing this).
This is honestly my favorite Mario I've drawn. I did have to do some clever little things to show a bit more detail on him, but the fact that I made it work is pretty cool. He also has a drop shadow to the left of him, making it look like he's on a stage, because that's the idea.
The curtains and flooring are ideas I got from the title screen of this game, and I especially like how the floor turned out. The wall behind Mario and the boo is one of the fortress walls in the game, and that's mostly to add something that the drop shadow can go onto.
The boo, by itself, is decent. It looks so cute! I think I could've done better with the movement, but it works well enough to get the idea across.