Backlog Art #15- Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Sometimes it's all about the execution of ideas...

Backlog Art #15- Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
I will destroy you and make my wish to conquer both Light and Dark Worlds come true without delay.

My favorite Zelda game I've played on stream so far. Sure it had some moments that I felt weren't designed all that well, but for the most part I can look back upon this game fondly.

The pyramid was easy enough, but I did add in some slight texturing. The background, however, is probably one of the best things I've ever made. The black silhouette of all the mountains, with a dark-red sky that looks just as menacing as it does amazing.

But that's not all! The portal thingie that I drew around Agahnim is one of my other favorite things I've done. I used the two colors he uses for magic to put evenly around the lightning circle shape he uses. Then for each color I made them glow, and due to the blend mode that the glows have, they mix REALLY god damn well. I also made it look a little fuzzy with visible pixels just to drive home the point of the lightning. Next I drew a thinner white line in the middle of the lightning circle's, well, circle. I also implemented a glow, but made the fuzzy pixels more noticeable, to further drive home the point of the lightning.

Agahnim's face and the big sleeves of his outfit have some gradient shading on them. His face has it not only because it's part of his design, but it makes him look more threatening. His pose also helps with that, as he's got those huge hands outstretched as if he's attempting to cast another spell on Link.

Speaking of Link, he's pretty alright. Sadly we don't get to see his face here, as I wanted to put focus on the dynamic between Link being ready to fight and Agahnim being a force to be reckoned with. This is the only Link I've drawn that uses his more powerful gear, but I only did that to make him be stronger so that his pose, and by extension this scene, look badass.