Backlog Art #16- Kirby's Adventure
Messin' with some special effects.

My favorite Kirby game so far. I know this one has some weird-looking things, so let's break it down.
The background is based off of the 1st phase of the final boss fight, where you're falling while fighting it. It's got a beautiful starry sky, with some pretty cloud layers below, so that's what I attempted to do. It might not look the best, but to me it looks cool.
The Sun & the Moon are here, due to being in space, in addition to being important to the scene. The Sun is probably my favorite part of the picture. The shocked face is due to the moon blowing up, adding another hole cutout on itself (plus, the moon is a boss and you fight the second phase of the final boss on the moon). The sun's flames are done using a scattered brush, the explosion on the moon uses a sort of cracked-looking brush I usually use for texturing. I also added a glow around each of the celestial bodies to add a bit more detail.
Kirby's warp star could be better, but it's still recognizable as what it is. Kirby looks cute here, although his hands probably shouldn't be that big. Unlike the previous Kirby picture, this one has eye highlights, and that's to make it look like there are actually eyes there, instead of holes. If it were the latter, Kirby would look more terrifying. I also have his little blush stickers, just to add to the cuteness. I also added a light trail leading from the Moon, because I thought it was cool.
Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room. First off, it's a penguin, not an elephant (seriously, who gets that confused). Second, it's not a room since it isn't sealed off (it's called "Space" for a reason).
King Dedede looks weird here. Very off-model. So I'm here to explain. Yes, some of it was intentional, but not all of it. Since he's supposed to be flying with Kirby, I drew him in his flying pose. His sprite that I was using as reference has his tummy be very big and curved almost like it's the armor of an armadillo. His one arm is within the small surface area of the cloak that the huge tummy is displacing. His feet are fine, they're at where they should be. The main problem is the head, specifically the face. The beak is smaller than what his beak actually is, but it looks small in the sprite due to him holding in his breath (which is why I added the cheeks puffing up as well). The second problem is the shape of his eyes. I should've made them bigger. Like I said, that's just about all of the problems with how I drew Dedede here.