Backlog Art #21- ANIMAL WELL

Sometimes a piece just needs to be dark...

Backlog Art #21- ANIMAL WELL
The choir of dogs can be heard all across the well...

This had to be the fanart for this game. This fucking dog statue shrine was brilliant. I have recently criticized my own art for being too dark at times, but this time I feel like it works really well, no pun intended.

The atmosphere of the game is this strange mixture of light and dark, despite being set in a well. Therefore, this picture needed to depict the initial moment of the disc shrine in the most intimidating form imaginable (by my smooth brain). I think I nailed that devious cackle of an expression, and the lights adding in a purple look in the eyes helps them feel ethereal, which is fitting due to the boss that it summons. It is by far my favorite thing, since I love all sorts of creepy moments.