Backlog Art #24- Jazzpunk

Simplicity at its finest.

Backlog Art #24- Jazzpunk

One of the things I love about Jazzpunk is its art direction. Everything that you see when you're actually playing the game is just so pleasing, despite its theming. The best showcase of it, however, is during the intro when you start a new game. After showcasing the briefcase that you're stored away in get carried on a conveyer belt, it smash cuts to the animated intro, where it makes use of many 2-bit color palette (that means that it only uses 2 colors) to showcase a pretty surreal series of events, starting with a section with a scanner scanning the silhouettes of a regular person (in the game's art style). It continues until it scans one that has an actual skeleton instead of a computer chip design, at which point it picks up the real person and deposits them somewhere else.

This is as close of a recreation as I can make it. Obviously there are some differences, like having more detailed characters like the goon & the topless (but modest through bandaids) cyberpunk, and having the signature be a different third color as well.

The biggest change was that I put my avatar in, being scanned and showing a skeleton.

Overall this one was pretty fun to draw, and I did it in less than an hour. Sometimes you just need to keep it simple.