Backlog Art #25- Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Freebie time.

When doing stuff like art for a while, eventually there comes projects that are so smooth you don't even realize that what you were doing was considered "work." This was one of them for me. At the moment, this was the last piece of Completion Art that was in the backlog. I don't know if it was the fact that this one had such a clear scene idea, if it was due to the attempt to capture the simpler art direction the game had while keeping in my art style, or what, but I started & finished this one today. Took a few hours, give or take, since I had to work from 12-5 today and thus don't remember when I started.
It should be a bit obvious what's happening here. The Wind Fish's egg is one of the most prominent imagery in this game, to the point of being on the title screen, so I wanted it here. Link and Marin are adorable, and wanted to draw some characters, so they're here singing.
Fun Fact for the day: if you're unfamiliar with music, but are familiar with media (especially comics) that wanna showcase someone playing music, they'll use either of those two note symbols (which are outlined in white). Those are, respectively from L-R, an Eighth Note & a Quarter Note. I believe these were chosen because they are undeniably music notes to anyone looking at them, even if they aren't music nerds. Now, take that quarter note and empty the dot the stem is connected to, and you'll have a Half Note. Snap the stem off of a half note and you'll get a Whole Note. Some media might include a half note symbol if someone's playing music, but I don't think you'll see a whole note that much, mostly because it's just a circle, and thus won't inherently be linked mentally that it's a music note.