Backlog Art #3- Metroid

Not one of my favorites, but it's humorous... for a little bit.

Backlog Art #3- Metroid
The ending that no one wanted.

Yes, this piece was combing the best ending with one of the "worse" endings. Due to how long it took me to beat this game, I definitely didn't see Samus in a bikini, so here's regular-suit Samus with a bikini on top.

I like the background I did, although it did take a while to make (all of those weird shapes for the ground were the main part). Thank god for the symmetry tools.

While I do like how I got some of her armor and her helmet to look, all together she doesn't exactly look on-brand with how she is in the later games. I had a friend tell me that, for one, her suit's shoulders are quite big, but then again this was fanart for Metroid 1, and she didn't apparently have shoulders that big in this game, so if anything I was basing the drawing on her sprite. Which is true to an extent. I took some inspiration from the drawings in the manual, in which Samus is depicted in a total of 2 artstyles. I just took the ones I liked and (tried to) incorporate them in.

I do like her face in the helmet, winking at the viewer. It's not the best look, but it does well to amplify the joke, for whatever that's worth...