Backlog Art #4- Luigi's Mansion
AKA too many filters, the painting!

A pretty decent painting, if I do say so myself.
This might be one of my favorite drawings of the older stream art. Luigi was pretty well-drawn from the start, but all the filters really help the piece seem like it was actually painted. Some people will tell you that using too many filters will make things look ugly, bad, or straight-up unreadable. Thing is, it's only like that if you don't know what you're doing. Also, it depends on the filters you use. I don't remember the ones that I chose for this piece, but I think one of them was the oil-paint one that Krita has, and I think that's how I got the fuzziness.
The background was also done using a filter, though I don't know which ones. Originally, it was just a static background color with a radial gradient way up high. As the last finishing touch, I signed my work using a different brush (that actually looks like a brush) in an eloquent looking way.
All-in-all, I think it came out exactly as I had hoped.