Backlog Base Props

Art that I've designed for the Backlog.

Backlog Base Props
A regular design for a regular stream.

When designing stuff for my first bit of streaming, I did have some ideas in mind. Let me take you through the process.

Basic Ending Card

While originally not made for streaming (it was for LP's instead), this did inspire my current one. This was inspired by Game Grump's famous halftones. Needless to say, it wasn't the best-designed. The circles aren't perfectly aligned, making it overall a bit off-balance.

Now for what this became for streams:

Backlog Design

Regular background.

Backlog Fade Design

Background during the Gaming screen.

Now these are better. The base design now loops seamlessly, since I went about it smartly. It amounts to circles and ovals, making a pleasing pattern. Circles are gathered by fours, while ovals are gathered by twos, the latter alternating orientation each line it gets moved up. The fade design fades up into the top-right corner.


The symbol for the Backlog is a huge list, representing the fact that it's a backlog.