
Lookit him, he's exploring! And spelunking! He's... EXPLORUNKING.

Now Loading...

This is my first actual bit of art that I just wanted to make, rather than props for streams, or art for completing games. I wanted an art piece of my avatar and his familiar. They are walking through a tunnel in a cavern.

I really like how they turned out, especially Bramble. I have this specific idea of how she maneuvers around, and it mostly involves leaping forwards like she's a frog. If I recall correctly, this idea started out when I was retexturing things in Terraria to add stuff like my familiar in it. Because I didn't actually want to animate a walk, she instead kinda bounded forwards. Now, cats do this, but I imagine her doing it if she needs to move faster than a trot. Bhuster also looks cool here too, holding up the fire that is illuminating the area. It's the most decent art of him yet.

They both look good, but the thing I was worried about was the background. I wanted it to look like they're travelling in a tunnel underground, and I got the brilliant idea to draw each part of the tunnel in segments, each one a lighter color than the last, to give an illusion that it's going off into darkness at the back while we're still in the light. First try I did it, I forgot to incorporate the pose that my characters were in, as it looked like they were about to walk into the fourth wall. I fixed it, obviously.

The whole piece fits together, and I'm happy about it.