Frights Art #1- Dead Seater
Darkness and blend modes can be quite useful.

First horror stream's fanart. For a game that did a hell of a job at scaring me shitless (to the point where it took many streams in between the first and the second (last) stream for me to get back into it), I had to make an unsettling piece. Honestly, for all it's worth, I think I succeeded.
True to his model, Jesse looks pretty simple, with his bangs tussled to one side. I like how he looks, and he doesn't even look out of place in this scene, despite the other two entities in here. The chair is alright, nothing too crazy, like chairs usually are. However, it does have importance, hence it being here.
The DSP (the monster on the left, not the monster found on YouTube) is pretty well done if I do say so myself. It always has this constant lean, which I think I did a good job on. The texturing fits, regardless if I could've done better or not.
The MB (the machine with 17 red dots) was probably the hardest one to find a reference for. I did eventually have to look at a video showcasing it turning a corner before killing the player in a death cutscene, showing that it's a giant grinder on spindly legs, with a speaker jutting out of the top. My favorite part about this piece is how I managed to make its red glow come out of the dark. With each dot it got a radial gradient glow, and then there's a big rectangular gradient (achieved with the rectangular selection tool & the "shaped" gradient) that gives everything near the panel with the glowing dots a menacing red light. Hell, even when setting up the shadow gradients, I just copied those glows to turn their blend mode into Erase, then put it above the shadow layer in the group, in order to have the glow stand out even more.
The lighting is also pretty decent. Black background requires no detail, and it's this mellow orange-yellow type color. All in all, it ties everything together.