Frights Art #3- Silent Hill
Sometimes you just need the mood. Nothing else.

While I was making quips at this game, it is still a horror game classic. The PS1 graphics help provide the uncanny, unsettling feeling that the game is known for.
There isn't too much to talk about here, I obviously used a vanishing point to make the road, and the characters are drawn in my usual art style (with Cheryl being a bit transparent). So instead I'll talk about the fog.
Fog limits what you can see, so I used that to great effect. I don't have any buildings drawn, but unless you have a clever eye, I doubt that though would cross your mind. I intentionally left a clearer spot in the middle to show what I want people to focus on, like Harry and Cheryl on the road. If we focus on Harry, you might be able to see how I did the fog: I used different layers. In between some of my paint layers, I inserted some fog, to get that sort of dense fog feel. It turned out great, as seen here.
My one and only complaint about this picture is that I designed the road wrong. I don't thing the lane lines are supposed to be yellow, that's only for the line that separates which cars go where.