Generic Stream Props

Art that can be used in any stream.

Generic Stream Props
Waiting.... Waiting.... Waiting....

Here are a few other things I made for my streams.

Symbol Loading GIF

Appears when waiting for the Hangout screen.

On the Intro screen, the one that shows the Stream Art, this also appears. Think of it as one of those loading dealies, like the circle loading bar.

Final Thoughts

For when I beat a game.

While the credits roll, or I've basically beaten the game, I give my thoughts on the game. This pops up so that you know that I am sharing my opinions.

Content Warning

For when things might trigger others.

While this does mostly appear in the Frights streams, this is a general prop just in case I play a non-horror game that might be triggering to some. This pops up when I describe the content we're about to go through. I only give Content Warnings in regards to the main topics and themes that the game uses, as attempting to go through all that the game might have can spoil too much of the game, but it also is just a lot to try and encompass every little deal. So, this is the best way I figured to do this.