Old Art #1 (Before Digital)
Some pictures of art that I've made before switching to digital.

I've been drawing since I was a kid. I drew a lot of stick figure boxes, but it was fun, and I knew what I was drawing except when I didn't. However, I did have some art classes, which is where most of these will be from I'm willing to bet.

Sadly, it seems that this is all I have left of my pre-digital art. I wish I had more of it to show, but let's go over these.

This piece was done for an assignment in class, where we were learning how to draw a human skull. If I remember correctly, I think I made my skull here a bit taller, because I wanted it to be more reminiscent of a certain character from a game I played. I thought it was Maxwell from Don't Starve, looking back on it, but looking through the wiki shows me his skull, and it's not tall at all, despite what his head may show. With Undertale being around at the time, it might've been Papyrus. Regardless, I didn't exaggerate it too much, so it came off as a pretty decent skull, if I do say so myself.

To The Moon Cat Version
This, I believe, was an assignment where we looked up a picture online, and had to draw that picture onto the black paper with only white... chalk? It's the same substance that we used for the skull. I don't recall why I chose a cat that I've been claiming is "looking to the moon," but I have to say, I did a good job with this. The darkness that is on most of the cat works as very contrasting shading, while the rest of the cat looks almost pure bright. I can even see a little glint in the eye of this kitty. I am still quite proud of this.

This was also a project, but it was less of one I feel. We had to draw something on our art folder, which would hold our art for the rest of our class. I chose Wakko, my favorite animaniac, since I was on a binge watching them on Netflix if I remember. I looked up a .png online of him, and with only looking (like the cat), drew him. Despite not being great at drawing things that aren't basic stick figures, I know how to draw what things look like. In fact, I showed some people in that class that if it's a small yet memorable design (like the penguin from Adventure Time), it's pretty easy to draw them without fucking it up. Unironically, I do believe that this is a good practice for stuff. I don't know what this would be called, since I was eyeballing it off my screen and putting it onto the paper (or folder in this case), but being able to draw a picture that isn't distorted because you don't have a similar canvas size as what you're looking at is helpful.

Corruption with Derp
Here's some things you might've seen a lot more of, if I still had the pieces. The gold thing with half-lidded "beady" eyes and the Mickey Mouse nose is what, as a kid, I called a Derp. Nowadays I call them Durphs. The thing in the air with the spiky teeth, the angry eyes, and the spinning antenna that it uses to fly around, I used to call a Corruptor. A Bush Corruptor, in this instance. Nowadays I call them Orrh. A lot of the original pieces I did at the time involved the strange world that the Durphs took part of, and the area it is currently in is called the Corruption, and I'll give you three guesses where that idea came from. Purple grass with trees having gray bark and violet leaves, same with the bushes that wield strange berries. I don't know what the black thing with purple spots is that is right in front of the durph, though. The sky being a bright yellow might be due to whatever the assignment was. Speaking of, this assignment had us use geometric shapes to create the piece, which explains a lot of the jaggedness.

Underworld Gear
This is yet another reference to Terraria. It's almost as if it's my favorite game... There's a volcano in Hell, for some reason, and even outside of that, there's some sort of lava spouting up behind the weird rock mass the main scene takes place, as seen through both the hole in said rock and behind the top of it too. The sign says "Dont touch the Mannequin!" (sic). The sword on the weapon rack is... I guess a reference to the Fiery Greatsword? This was well before it was renamed to the Volcano (fitting). I don't know why I made it look like that, it's not even a blade of fire, it looks like a firespout that has a handle somehow put onto it. The armor here also doesn't look like the thing it's probably referencing: the Molten armor set. What even is that design? It's mostly bland except for the weird wing-flames on top. Then there's the sentient flame with eyes, complete with the sclera instead of just being the black beads for eyes. Also, I just had trouble drawing rocks at this time, 'nuff said.
Aaaaand that's all that I have for this one. There isn't much here, but don't worry, I have more in other "eras" of my drawing history. Until next time though, cya.