Old Art #2 (Paint.net Era)

Art that I made on my first digital art program, Paint.net

Old Art #2 (Paint.net Era)
An added bonus; this was a prop I made for something, but I still made it with Paint.net, so it counts.

Now we've reached the digital era! My first program for making art was an app called paint.net. It was pretty decent, decent enough to let me make some art in a pretty interesting way. Let's take a look.

Now you can see there's quite a few more I could find of my old art within this era. I should have more to say here as well.

Here we can kinda talk about the kinds of stuff I was doing at the time. Nave was a character that was made in a group of 6, created from a Google Doc I had. Said doc was mostly me collecting YouTube links to download music from. I had the format as follows: Link (Name). Then this format changed to: Link (Comment/Skit). I was, for some reason, using those little comment bubbles as practice for writing apparently. I make snide comments a lot with certain stuff, especially file names for funny pictures I find, being the Alt Text of the joke in question. Eventually I had made (at least some of) the characters, and even had a plan for them. Each would have their own Derp (we've talked a little bit about what those are in the previous post). The idea was that each character would have their own base, and Nave's base was this weird flying ship thingie, that apparently has biomes in it. In the picture Nave is apparently holding onto a rope with a spike on the end (because why wouldn't the ship have one?), and some sort of staff thingie. His derp is in a saucer next to him, looking dissatisfied as usual. Sadly, I did not draw the others with their bases. I don't know why.

Bhuster Hunter and Bramble Desert Tiger Profile

This was apparently my first ever drawing of Bhuster and Bramble. And I didn't even think about drawing them in their base attire first, these are halloween costumes! The title of the piece pretty much explains what they are supposed to be; the Hunter is from Left 4 Dead, and the Desert Tiger is from Terraria. I am most proud of the saferoom door in the picture, and I am also still kinda proud of their costumes. I will talk a little more about their designs later, but I will say that Bhuster isn't blue here because he's supposed to be dressed like a zombie.

Salindra Profile

Here was a character I had made in Terraria's Builder's Workshop. I liked her so much I wanted to write a story with her. She's a snake person, wearing some snazzy gear, and has a floating lamp. Her goal is to steal stuff... as to why, I don't remember. I liked her bright red hair a lot, plus some other aspects of her. I think this piece is still good, but I do wanna redesign Salindra at one point.

Bhuster and Bramble

Here we go. I might save a full breakdown of these guy's designs in a Character post, but for now let's talk about the main differences between the designs, as well as my art style at the time. Bramble has a sort of fur crest on her chest, with the same blue as her hair and markings, and speaking of hair, she has a different design for her hair. A thing to note is that I was learning how to make more things look better, so several things have thinner lines to help them not be big blotches of darkness. Keep in mind, I wasn't using the Brush tool in this program, as I only had a mouse; I used the Shape tools, the Line tool, and the Erase tool to get things looking how they do. Bhuster looks off in a few ways, mostly the nose not being just Mario's nose, the hair, and of course the colors. They both don't have their colors balanced well. Bhuster still has a hat, but it's an actual "hat," but the charm is still there. There are also more details on the outfit than I do now, as there are pockets, cloth overlaps / seams, and a bit more areas with different colors. Again, I will do a full talk about these two's designs when I make a character page about my old avatars.

Gooberht and the Horde of Derps

This was my first art piece I sent in BoundBreak. Apparently. This used a character a friend of mine (CellXLee) drew. I guess I either saw it and wanted them to interact with my creatures, or someone wanted to see the two interact. So I drew a shit-ton of derps around this poor elephant with wings, antlers, and gills. This one might be my favorite one from this era, as it has enough going on that you can enjoy the details, but not enough that you get lost. It's just a crowd of derps surrounding Gooberht, being curious about this strange creature. Once again, props to CellXLee for creating Gooberht.

Biome Arena's Best Forest Clan

These are three of my characters that I had at one point wanted to use in a series that have battles. Abi on the left originated from the same Google Doc that Nave did, Markie in the middle came from... somewhere, and Claire on the right is a character I made for a previous battle thing, so really she's at home here. I got the outfit designs from a worldbuilding website that allowed me to customize outfits, since I sucked at that during this time. They looked great overall, and out of all the pictures I wanna remake from Paint.net, this might be high priority. Especially since the background is the worst aspect of this scene.

The Island of Schalemh

Ah, right. This has been an idea I wanna do at some point. The monsters here in this pic, with the glowing eyes, are called Schalemh, which is the best name I have ever made by myself. The idea of schalemh have changed since this picture was made, but generally schalemh are anomalous humanoid monsters, being made of pure bone, that have hollow heads. There are usually glowing eyes within the head, which pierce through the unending darkness of night time, when they come out. Alongside this feature is an ever-gaping mouth, which is able to create a deeply low droning noise, that draws other schalemh to its location. This iteration of schalemh, however, allowed a lot more unique forms to come through, with fish schalemh, more beast-like forms, floating heads and crawling things, and even some gigantic forms able to shake the earth with every step. This piece I also sorta wanna remake, but it's not on high priority, as I have yet to use the schalemh in any ideas of mine.

Quite a bit more this time, and it's been fun looking back on these ones. The next set of old art will be stuff from Krita, so I hope to see you then. Until that moment, though, cya.