[Completion Art] Backburner Art #5a- Pokemon: Yellow Version (Main Campaign) Got some new brushes to make my drawing faster, but also tried some new techniques.
[Completion Art] Party Art #2e- Left 4 Dead (Blood Harvest) Blur can help you out if you don't want to add details in certain areas.
[Completion Art] Party Art #2d- Left 4 Dead (Dead Air) A half-assed attempt to mess with atmosphere using colors.
[My Art] Old Art #1 (Before Digital) Some pictures of art that I've made before switching to digital.
[Completion Art] Party Art #2b- Left 4 Dead (Crash Course) Sometimes you don't need to draw things that will go unseen.
[Completion Art] Backlog Art #19- Super Mario Sunshine Sometimes it's difficult to find the right lighting effects.
[Completion Art] Backlog Art #18- Super Mario World Blend Modes can change the mood, even if you have a contrasting color palette.
[Completion Art] Craftroom Art #1- Terraria: Quest for the Zenith [1.4.4] Sometimes you can afford to make mistakes in the tiny details.