Party Art #1d- Mario Party (Wario's Battle Canyon)

Brustle is about to blast off again!!!

Party Art #1d- Mario Party (Wario's Battle Canyon)
...well fu-

Can you guess who got first on their home board here? That's right, Winchester.

God I didn't like this board.

The ground has a coarse texture, and the skybox has a splattered dot texture. Nothing too amazing, but it does its job of looking like what it's representing.

The cannon's design in game was a bit difficult for me to figure out how to represent it. I think I did fine here, but it does look like it was made using basic geometry.

The character just about out of frame is Winchester. He's holding the cannon steady, because he beat me out of 1st.

Brustle is the main focus here, as she's about to be fired out of the cannon. She looks... fine, if a bit off-model. At this point I hadn't made some references for what she looks like at different angles, so she looks a bit wonky here. That's about all I can say about that, she fits well enough otherwise.

I had to add in shadows on the ground because it just looked weird setting them onto the ground without it. Now it looks like you're looking at her in the cannon at ground level.