Party Art #1e- Mario Party (Luigi's Engine Room)

Sometimes I have trouble with perspective in terms of size.

Party Art #1e- Mario Party (Luigi's Engine Room)
Tinker, this isn't a car, it's an airship. Please stay out of the smoke stacks for fuck's sake.

An alright board, but I can definitely see why some people might not like it.

One of my favorite skies I've done, even though it looks simple. I love seeing the bright light up in the corner.

I did my best to determine what the ship's floor would be, and I think this is alright, although a bit bland.

While I am initially proud of how I made Tinker look here, and ditto with Winchester, I wish I either made Tinker (+ smokestack) smaller or Winchester bigger, as from the perspective we have here it looks like Tinker could be around the same size as Winchester, if not a little bigger. I do enjoy the smoke and soot effect Tinker has though.

The smoke stack took some figuring out here. I had to use two eclipse guide tools or whatever to make the bottom and top, then for the shadow I had to make a vanishing point at the sun's position in order to see where the shadow goes off to. I do love the contrast the shadow gives though. I also added some texture to the smoke stack, with the purple top portion lacking the texture because it's meant to look like it was painted on.