Party Art #1f- Mario Party (Mario's Rainbow Castle)
Let's learn how to make gradients of our own!

...I'm really surprised, I would've thought we would've had more Ztars... but I guess I shouldn't be complaining.
Hey look another blue sky with clouds and a sun up top in the middle. The clouds are nice, and I like the sun's placement due to something we'll talk about later.
The clouds at the bottom wouldn't be as noteworthy if it weren't for the gradient thing. I had to make a gradient that's just a rainbow, then made that get applied to some parts of the cloud (mostly on the bottom-middle).
The thing in the middle that is blurry is the tower that Toad and Bowser are on, being spun by Libra and Winchester. They're fine, but the tower probably could've been made better. It gets the job done though.
Brustle and Tinker are holding up their respective Ztars. Aside from their arms and hands, I actually really like how I drew them here. Brustle is my favorite, which makes sense, but also I just like how I managed to make her head look. It has the kind of shape I was imagining when I was drawing it. Tinker's expression is pretty good too, it looks like he got clothes from his favorite grandma on Christmas, and is trying not to look disappointed but is clearly displeased.