Party Art #2a- Left 4 Dead (No Mercy)

Flames look cool.

Party Art #2a- Left 4 Dead (No Mercy)
"The False Revenge of the Burning Tank" is a bitchin' name for a heavy metal band.

This came out way better than I would've hoped.

This is depicting Tinker's death on the finale of No Mercy, from a tank that I had lit on fire. Sorry buddy. Tinker looks neat here, though I did have to figure out what he would look like when you're looking at his back straight on. His arms are posed to imply that he is holding a gun, since that is really your only weapon type in the first L4D.

The tank here I am pretty fucking proud of. Both his design and the flames coming off of him are spot on and incredible, respectively. I especially like the fire. I have a piece that I made a while back that I had used to figure out how to draw things on fire, and applying that here still works.