Party Art #2c- Left 4 Dead (Death Toll)
Hey look, words! I never use those!

This piece is gonna be interesting to talk about. For starters, I had already drawn a safe room door before, a few years ago when I was still using for my art, and thus was using all sorts of line and shape tools to make stuff. I got all the colors for the door from that .pdn file, except for the red... spray paint? Remembering when I was researching what the door looked like, there are two colors of spray paint on the door: red for all the metal paneling that is making the door stronger, and the white for the Safehouse logo on that one paper that's just attached to the door. It was one of my proudest moments drawing that part of the pic alone back then, and I feel I still did a good job now, despite not doing the full door.
The crew is behind the door looking into the thin slot, clearly agitated by something. Said something is the Church Guy (from the campaign that this is fanart for). In order to get into the safe room, you have to talk to him, which makes him snap back and ring the huge-ass church bell. This causes a crescendo event, which basically means that you have to kill a bunch of zombies before you can progress. Now, the bell isn't in the picture, but to fix that issue I have some onomatopoeia on the pic. Aside from my signature, I think this might be the first instance of text in one of these stream drawings. It's also very important how I did the outline for the words.
The way I usually do words in drawings are as follows: use the Text Tool, type out whatever, then apply a Layer Style to it. For a long time I've been using the Outer Glow style, which makes a glow around the layer. This has been effective for me, but recently while making the previous Left 4 Dead stream art, I stumbled across Stroke. This, I think, is the style that is most likely designed to create such outlines. I don't remember if it was in an earlier version of Krita that I've had or not, I just remember being unable to make efficient outlines around things, and eventually stumbling upon Layer Styles, of which I at least understood Outer Glow and its uses. Whatever the case is though, I believe I have found my outline tool that I wanted all those years ago.