Party Art #2d- Left 4 Dead (Dead Air)

A half-assed attempt to mess with atmosphere using colors.

Party Art #2d- Left 4 Dead (Dead Air)
Don't choke Tinker to death, we don't want another Tinker casualty.

If you recall from some of my more recent stream art, I am not the best at using these Blend Modes to try and get a good atmosphere going in the picture. At most they just look off, like the Super Mario Sunshine one.

For this one, however, I tried figuring out how exactly I could get stuff to fit in the same picture, keeping the mood and atmosphere. This one I used the help from a screenshot of the game to help with the colors. I generally try to do this for all of my stream art, but I did my best to use the background colors to my advantage. There's a diagonal gradient on the plane to provide some darkness inside, there's a gradient fading out to the middle from Brustle's and Winchester's side to give them a shaded blend mode, and ditto for Tinker and Libra, only this time I used a lighter color. Lastly, I used the same brush I made the fog outside the plane with, and just spread it around the top layer of the picture, decreased the opacity, and applied a new blend mode. I did it so that things wouldn't feel too dark and moody. I think I like the outcome here.

I feel I've gotten better at drawing these characters, especially in different poses. All I need to do is get better at backgrounds and the post-processing (all these blend-mode filters) and I think I will have improved at my art.