Party Art #3a- Mario Party 2 (Pirate Land)
Getting better at setting the mood on a beach.

In hindsight, I probably should've added some more stuff here to make it related to, y'know, the game. I got the duel from Pirate Land, but other than that it's just an empty beach.
With that failure out of the way, I think this is still a great work. I tried getting the colors looking right this time. I still relied on Blend Modes, but I used them more efficiently. This beach looks a lot nicer than the one for Super Mario Sunshine that I did. The beach looks more colorful, the sun is actually looking sun-like, the water is both noticeable and better, and the characters have decent shading, making it look like they're blocking the sun from the camera.
The last thing I like from this picture is that I have a cartoony-looking hit between the blades.