Party Art #3c- Mario Party 2 (Space Land)

Underlighting, plus mixing Line & Lineless art.

Party Art #3c- Mario Party 2 (Space Land)
Look what the cat dragged in... oh wait.

I love this piece, it's one of my finest now.

I struggled on this board, but eventually won, so since it's in space I represented this by having Brustle crawling out of a black hole. The black hole I made by drawing a circle, then some bits coming out of it implying a spiral. I then filled the circle in, and did a portal-like fuzzy border. After doing all of that, I squished it down, to make it look like it's on some sort of plane.

Brustle was drawn in such a way that she's layered over the black hole, but it looks like she's coming from it. My favorite part of doing this was the cel-shading. I imagine the weird glowy parts of the black hole (shut up, I know that's not how black holes work) would be the light source, which would mean that she'd be underlit. You ever see someone turn the lights off, bring out the flashlight, then aim it upwards towards their face as they start telling a spooky story? They're using underlighting to get a specific vibe, which specifically in this instance is to be menacing, or spooky. It works quite well here, she looks sufficiently dangerous.

The background is mostly stars, and darkness from below, but up top is one of the cheapest ways to draw the underside of the Space Land board. That isn't why I point it out though, the actual things I wanna shed light on are the heads peeking below the board. I didn't do line art for them, not only because it would be out of place behind the lineless space station, but also because it's part of the background, and thus don't need much detail.