Party Art #3d- Mario Party 2 (Mystery Land)
Poses, figuring out my art style's anatomy, teleporting effects, and background face.

This has been the most intense game I've played yet. I literally won against Libra by one coin. One. Fucking. Coin.
Anyways, I had a bit of struggle with the poses that Brustle and Libra are in. I still think they're a little bit off, but it works well enough. I also had to figure out the anatomy for characters in my art style. I made reference to this before by making joking jabs at the fact that I like drawing boobs, and while it's also in effect here (Libra), I also had to figure out legs. Since we're seeing them at 3/4 view, I think their legs look alright. Brustle's legs would probably look off if drawn at any other angle.
(for reference, her leg's dimensions are the same all the way down, yet in the picture it has a bit more thickness at the hips)
I struggled with having Tinker teleporting. He had way too many teleports, and I wanted to put that in here. I think it looks alright now, but in all honesty I should've probably searched up "how to draw a character mid-teleport" on Google.
As a gag, I decided to have Winchester's head in the background, as if it were a movie poster and there was a head of an important character in the sky. Not much to explain there. It's funny.