Party Art #3e- Mario Party 2 (Horror Land)

Fire, more cartoony anatomy, and shadows.

Party Art #3e- Mario Party 2 (Horror Land)
Having scared Tinker away, Brustle moves onto her final target: Libra.

This is now currently my second favorite Mario Party 2 completion art. After using a specific brush for making fire, I instead wanted to see if I could refine my cartoony fire. Lo and behold, I think I've done it. It has a layer style making it glow around the shapes, and as for the layer itself I put the blend mode to be Heat-Glow. This allows it to be sorta see-through.

I feel like I've been getting better at how character's body parts look in different situations. Brustle's muzzle looking like it's raised for her to tell spooky stories is one example. I've also been getting better at drawing characters sitting down, especially from that sorta 3/4 view, like with Libra and Winchester.

The lighting here is dim/reddened on purpose, as it's supposed to be spookily menacing. Horror Land has a gimmick where every 2 turns (or when someone lands on a happening space) time advances, either from day to night, or night to day. The thing behind Brustle is the Big Boo statue, which while only appearing during the day, I wanted to include here anyways. With the positioning of the fire, I eventually realized that Brustle was gonna be casting a huge shadow onto the statue, and thus through complete accident I ended up having a greater idea than I thought I did. I think it works quite well.