Quest Art #1a- Rain World Expedition Mode (Vanilla Missions)
Perspective, an art technique that doesn't work on slugcats surprisingly, and flecks.

Finally, more Rain World.
I tried a few things here, some of them didn't work. So let's go over this piece.
I had learned recently of a way to draw base poses for characters, so I wanted to try that out. I did a test with one of my characters, and while the pose sucked, the main goal of the skeleton was to be able to draw characters better, and I thought it worked well. So I tried it here instead of my usual way of just blobby box stick figures to show where they were and what they were doing. It looked wrong on the slugcats, so I changed it. I wish I changed it on the lizards too, but it's too late now. It might be because it doesn't work with my style, but it also could be because I'm using it wrong still, from either the character-usage or just poses again.
Another thing I tried here was a blue filter, like there is in the game when you're near an echo. I ended up just using base colors with blend modes to apply the filter. A friend of mine thought Hunter was brown because of it, and I don't know if that's because they don't know the game, or if I messed up somewhere.
Hunter is using a vulture grub to signal down vultures within the vicinity of Chimney Canopy's echo (hence the echo filter and the dark & gold flakes), while Monk and their blue lizard friend are trying to save Survivor from the orange salamander that's on the other side of the gap, which is hard to see. Which one's hard to see? Yes.
My last critique is that I didn't add enough detail to the background. For example, There are diagonal poles missing that connect the top bar to the bottom bar that's next to the ground everyone's on. Stuff like that.
All-in-all, it's an okay picture.