Special Art #1- 100th Stream Special
Lense flares are easy & difficult at the same time!

Celebrating 100 streams, I drew this piece. I was playing Placid Plastic Duck Simulator, while going through some personality quizzes. This is one of my favorite pieces, so let's talk about it.
First off, I have yet again used two-point perspective. I have it at an angle here, to get a bit more of a dynamic shot. I made the land and pool this way.
The water, I made by selecting the square area that the rim would make, and using multiple colors to make the water. I then chose a blend-mode (Super Light). This is to add a watery color to the inside colors of the pool walls that I made. Everything else sits above that water layer, but in order to make something look like its underwater I just highlighted the whole item, go to the water layer with that selection, copy, then go above the item and paste. If they have portions above water, I drew a watery outline around the point where it would be at the water, then figured out a way to select only the parts below the water using said line, then finish with the regular steps.
Bhuster is there, relaxing at the pool and apparently looking at the sun. I gave him a grayish tank top, because I feel like that would be what he wears when swimming. His hair is drawn differently to reflect the idea that it is wet, since he's at a pool. His design all-in-all is great.
That flamingo is just a tube with a flamingo neck and head on top. It's white pupil stares into your soul.
The ducks were pretty fun to make. There's the regular rubber duck, just idling there. There's the duck that has "Duk You" written on it, so I made it flip the bird. Shark duck just has a fin on its head, and it is submerged like that Jaws character from that one movie at the beach. There's just a rubber duck that is made of rocks, that is sitting at the bottom of the pool, fully submerged. There's the party duck that shoots a little spark cannon, which catches the wood duck on fire (of which I am proud of both the sparks & the flame/smoke combo), while the fireman duck is spraying water in the opposite direction of the fire, which happened a lot on stream. Aaaaand that's all of the ducks. Every single one. All 7 of them. Not more, not less.
Now, onto the duck in the room: the lense flare. I had to search up how to make one, and it is the glue that keeps this piece together. I put a vanishing point where the sun's middle is, then make a line (the line's temporary). On this line, make filled circles with a single dot at several intervals, making each one further away from the sun be bigger than the last. Then, add some radial gradients in the middle of each one, then set the blend mode for the gradients to Erase. Lastly, apply a Gaussian Blur filter to it. Voila!
It really does work wonders, let me tell you.