Special Art #3- Chillin' 1
It's not just about the art style, it's what you do with it...

Wasn't one of my best ideas to calm down in this stream, but honestly I can kinda look back and say "I had fun?"
While it's unfortunate that it didn't let me relax too much, I did have fun making this piece of art.
Let's start with the background first. This time it wasn't as simple as its design would let you believe; I struggled with this a bit. In the end, what I did is use the Filter Mask (Halftone) on a solid colored background.
For Screentone Type within the Screen Generator section, I have a Dot Pattern, a Round Shape, and a Sinusoidal Interpolation. In the Postprocessing section, I have the Foreground be the lighter green, with the Background (dots) being a darker green.
You might remember that I didn't have to explain much for Baba Is You, because that game's art boils down to these components (ignore the fact that I'm now explaining the art style in a completely different post:
- Everything uses a grayscale palette, with a single color then being applied to their entire being
- Things are drawn in very simplified representations of objects, or are just funny lil dudes
- Every frame is drawn twice more in the same pose, but being a little loose with the redraw; this gives the game its "scribbled" look
I bring this up because, from an uneducated glance, they would think that Baba Is You's art style is the same as Mosa Lina's art style, which isn't exactly true. Both use solid colors, but Mosa Lina uses more colors on certain items. In addition, Mosa Lina doesn't use the scribbly shakes for all of its items, just the more important ones. They also have a little bit of fuzzy blur, enough to make you not notice how many pixels things have. Things are drawn are a bit more abstract-simple in Mosa Lina than the regular-simple in Baba Is You.
The scene I drew is the last level I was struggling on: the rocket-looking thing. It's a rounded box with two spikes on the two round parts at the bottom, with a stretched hexagon attached to the top pointing upwards. When this became the last level, it got worse, and due to the item pool I was given (of which I only drew 3 when restarting the level, with the level also drawing a few more items off to the side), I was having difficulty.
To showcase a lot of the items I had to work with, I drew them applied to the rocket in some way:
- There's a ladder that I've attempted to use to get certain places (I don't believe I actually used this on the rocket)
- There are some arrows sticking out that I use to climb places (while not used on the rocket, it was used to try and circumvent the rocket at times)
- And a clamp that I have used to try and drag things to certain positions (I think this helped me with the rocket my winning run)
There is an apple floating to the right. These things need to be either touched by you, or sent offscreen, to collect them. Collect them all in order to open the portal, which you then have to reach to win the level.
Lastly, there's Bhuster. The guy you play as in the game is just a body with two hands holding a gun, with the head representing what you can shoot out at that moment. I waved that aside to draw my avatar's head, to showcase how not-great of an idea it was to choose an Environmental-Simulator Puzzle game to relax with.
Lastly, I just added a very light blur. VERY light blur. That's all, seriously.