Bhuster's Avatars

The avatar(s) I use online, both for this site and elsewhere.

Bhuster's Avatars
The familiar; The mage (avatar form); The mage (furry form).

Hi, I'm Bhuster, in case you couldn't tell. I am the one that's taken post in this small corner of the internet. These are my representations of myself online. If you want to know more about them, continue onwards.


Bhuster "Blue" Eby

Bhuster is a mage: he uses mana to cast magic and spells. Mana is another form of energy he has, much like stamina, and if he uses up too much of it at one time he'll be tired and hurting. He has two forms: an "avatar" form that he defaults to, and his "furry" form. In his Avatar Form, he is surprisingly resilient to damage, which adds onto his high durability. In his Furry Form, he is slightly more agile and stronger, albeit lacking in defense. This form also nets him some heightened senses that cats usually have, alongside other things like claws. When he gained his familiar, they both opted to get their right ear clipped on the outer side to denote their bond. While he uses magic for a lot of things, he isn't overly dependent on it. This is especially noticeable when he is fighting: He uses a mixture of both close-ranged melee weapons alongside any form of magic. His Furry Form has use of claws, but in general he also has a hammaxe (war-hammer head on one side, a war-axe head on the other side) that he wields to great effect. He loves deep discussions with others, almost regardless the topic, but he has several that he really enjoys (video games, Let's Plays, music, art, & stories), and one that he despises (politics). His main hobbies are playing video games and drawing.

Original inspirations for Bhuster include my old, blue ROBLOX character (no you will not receive the username), as well as several blue-skinned characters I made in Terraria, particularly Gremlin. Gremlin was a carbon copy of someone's interpretation of Merlin in Terraria, only with blue skin. His original outfit was taken from the ROBLOX avatar, with the magic capabilities of Gremlin. His current design's outfit would make Gremlin proud. The name Bhuster is from the name of a WoW character my dad recommended me, basing it off of a character from Mythbusters: Buster. His bulbous nose in his Avatar Form is Mario-inspired. His Furry Form was based off of something I used to do with my imagination: pretend to be a guy that can turn into an anthropomorphic cat. The Furry Form's design is mostly a generic cat-look, with some cool tidbits of design, like the pattern on the ears and tail. If I had to guess, it is similar to the American Shorthair Cat. The current cap is reminiscent of Link's cap, unintentionally. One can also liken it to a Smurf's cap, and I swear to God if I find you calling me a Smurf I will send a tornado to terrorize your county.


Original inspiration for BrambleClaw includes... Brambleclaw, from the Warrior Cats series of books. Also, an imaginary friend named... Blue Cat (very creative), an anthropomorphic cat that helped me out. Bramble's design is all original, up to and including the patterns on the ears and tail (which the Furry Form that Bhuster has replicates), and the clipped ear (also transcribed onto Bhuster's Furry Form). Her hair is the biggest part that's changed about her, originally being a strange bobcut that has hair going in front of her face, then transitioned to a faux hawk, with the hair mostly sticking straight up, and is now spikey hair combed back and put in a low ponytail. Her underbelly color has also been extended to her neck and muzzle (which yet again, is reflected on Bhuster's Furry Form).


Hello, I'm Bhuster, and this is my familiar, Bramble. Welcome to Bhuster's Buzz!

Here at Bhuster's Buzz, I make things. Right now it's just streams of me going through my backlog, creatively titled Bhuster's Backlog, alongside other series to juggle multiple games at one time. However, I do plan on making some stuff soon. I have many ideas, for stuff like comics, videos, and even games.

Who knows how that will work out, but in the meantime, enjoy me bumbling my way through all the games I wanted to experience. This, is Bhuster's Buzz.