[Party Pals] Core Buds
The hosts of the Party stream series.
![[Party Pals] Core Buds](/content/images/size/w2000/2025/01/Core-Bud-Members.png)
This is Brustle, and her assistant Clara. They are the hosts of the stream series Bhuster's Party, where multiplayer games that can be played solo with CPU characters get played. The CPU characters get assigned some of my own characters. I play Brustle Brooks, the one playing through the game, and Clara Kori plays any character who directly partners with Brustle, and no one against her.

Brustle Brooks
Brustle is a witch. She uses wands to cast spells, but if she wanted to have more control over magic she has to do a ritual. This can either be making a potion with the desired effect, or your regular kind of ritual that grants temporary effects. Very playful and teasing, to a fault. When the going gets tough, she will adapt and withstand it all. She's also pretty competitive, getting really invested in any events she partakes in. Her favorite subjects are magic, music, and games. She comes from a clan of feline witches, the Brooks. They're well known, and take up jobs where their inherited magic capabilities are of use. Her collar with an emerald gem dangling off of it was her coming-of-age gift, as a sign that she's fully a witch from the Brooks family. Despite being a witch capable of brewing potions and casting hexes, she's had trouble acquiring jobs until she came across Bhuster's job postings for crew members over at Bhuster's Buzz.
Brustle was originally the furry form of Bhuster, and as such looked a bit like what a fusion between Bramble and Bhuster would look like. Now that she is no longer a part of my avatar, she needed a new design. Something to separate her from Bhuster. In short, she needed to be redesigned with different inspirations.
First things first, she is a more teal color of cyan, the fur color Bhuster and Bramble have. Then blue eyes, as opposed to Bhuster's green or Bramble's purple eyes. She is supposed to be a Maine Coon Cat in design, as opposed to a generic cat design / American Shorthair Cat. Her shape design is also different from Bhuster, being more round instead of rounded square. Since Bhuster is a mage, I needed to find her an equivalent, so she's now a witch. However, I did want to keep parts of her past design's outfits for her new design. Thus, she still has her crop tank, and has a replacement collar, this time having an emerald, instead of rubies. New elements include her short shorts, some sleeves for her formal outfit, and speaking of said formal outfit, she now has a witch's hat, because she's a witch now.

Clara Kori
Clara is your typical house mouse. She's kinda based on the animal stereotype of mice being smart, so she's a librarian. She has the fit, including her sweater vest and button-up underneath. Her glasses are to emphasize the fact she's a huge nerd. Her color (magenta) was chosen to fit with Brustle's color (cyan, albeit leaning towards teal). On a regular color wheel, one you'd see get taught in elementary school, it doesn't include magenta or cyan, they're just locked out. Her hair, unintentionally, looks like Clemont's hair from Pokemon X/Y. I had to search that up because I knew I saw that kind of hair somewhere, but couldn't remember.
Brustle Brooks
Good to see you, Miss Brooks. How are you doing today?
…Meh, I'm feeling irritated. I'm hoping that I'm not wasting my time here.
Well, I hope to prove that this isn't a waste. Let's get this interview started: Who are you and what do you do?
Okay. Ahem. My name is Brustle Brooks, pronouns are she/her. I come from a long line of witches, and I've been having trouble finding a decent job to put my witchery to use in.
I feel ya there. Not many people want magical services these days huh?
No, no, it's not that. I'd say people want them more than ever! People kill for powers like mine! …say, you look like you got some magic within you, too. You know where I'm coming from, right?
All too well, though I don't know if we've experienced the same things, since our magics aren't similar. Has your family had to deal with that often?
Every. Generation. My family's well-known for our witchcraft. Hell, an aunt of mine is running the local potion brewery down the block. Learned the art from her, she's cool. But alas, for SOME DUMBFOUNDING-ASS REASON I'm not able to work there. I mean, I know nepotism is a thing, but you can have family-owned restaurants, businesses, the likes. Why can't I go work there? I'm left to find my own spot in this world that "doesn't encroach upon anyone else's business."
…huh, so I'm guessing you don't get along with your family well, then.
…Oh, no, I do. Really, this is our only disagreement. I love 'em to death, and will curse anyone willing to harm any of them, but they won't let me join any of their companies. I want to put my skills to use.
Well, have you explored outside of that? Found some new skills? Is there anything you do for fun that would be profitable?
Um… I don't believe so.
What do you do in your free time, speaking of? Aside from job-searching, I mean?
Good question. Well, after exploring around for a while trying to find jobs, it's nice to relax. Maybe watch some videos. Listen to podcasts about murder cases and ambient music. I don't have many friends, but the two that I have are really supportive and understanding of my situation. I'm hoping that soon I won't have to spend my time hauling ass around town so that I can hang out with them. Ollie and Pepper are the best friends a witch like me could have.
Anything else you want to describe about yourself?
I'd say that I follow the footsteps of the goddess Luna. Frankly, all of my family does, it's in our blood. I'm pretty stubborn, as for some things I will not give up. I try my best to be kind to others, but I don't think that always comes out well. Uhhh, oh, one last thing. This emerald collar was given to me after I fully became a witch. It's tradition.
I understand. Trust me, I do. I keep a charm I made during my process to make my familiar. Now, next question: do you play video games?
…THAT'S an interesting question. It's been a while, but I was a BEAST at them when I was younger. Actually, it might've been that way because I was an average gamer surrounded by noobs. I really haven't had a chance to get into them again recently.
What got you into them, anyways?
Had a distant cousin who, on his 8th birthday or so, got a game system. I had fun kicking everyone's ass, until he started bawling because I won one too many times on his birthday. My ears still ring from the yelling I got once we got home.
Do you have a preferred genre?
A few years before I started my job search, I really got into sandbox games. Survival games too, if I'm being completely honest. I guess it's got something to do with enduring all that's thrown at you and having complete control over what you wanna do.
Alright, that's this interview just about wrapped! Just one last question, though, and I'm aware of the potential redundancy here: what made you want to come here and get interviewed?
…I need a job. Although I do see why you still wanted to ask this question, seeing as I've been looking for magic jobs and such. I've just gotten desperate, honestly. This place seems like fun, now that I'm in here, and being a magic user yourself, means that technically I'll be working with magic, it's just not gonna be part of my job.
Thank you for applying! I hope to see you soon!
Yo dude, same here! I'll be happy once I can stop looking for jobs.
Clara Kori
Good to see you, Miss Kori! How've you been?
I see. Let's get started: Who are you and what do you do?
My full name is Clara Kori, librarian of the Farmlord Library. I'm there if you need help finding any book, no matter how specific. Everyone should have access to all this knowledge, and I'm there to share it.
How did you get into the library business to begin with?
I had a thirst for knowledge in my childhood. My family is made up of geniuses, and I still strive to live up to those standards to this day.
Smart family, huh? Do they also work in the library?
To be succinct, no. They specialize in certain fields, for example, my parents are excellent clockmakers. I feel like restraining myself to specialize in something when there is so much more to learn is unwise.
Do they at least support you in your quest for knowledge?
Definitely so. They even paid my tuition fees when I went to college. All of them. They're very good at what they do.
That's good to hear, then. Now, what do you do for fun? Do you have any other interests that aren't learning literally everything and sharing it?
I take strolls in the park. Whether I've just finished a documentary about obscure film techniques, completed a book series about alien civilizations, or I've had a good day at work, I walk around and let my mind wander. It's easy to process information when you have an autonomous process giving you exercise. I also have several book clubs I take part in, and occasionally one of the members will host a party. I go purely to hang out with my friends in those clubs, parties generally aren't my cup of tea. Though, every once in a while I find a kindred spirit who's also attending.
That's pretty cool. Okay, next question: what is your experience with video games?
I've played quite a few. I know they're mainly created for fun, but I respect and admire video games as a medium. Occasionally I find myself playing a puzzle game or an rpg. The ones that let me think problems out are appealing to me.
How did you get into them?
The same way I get into everything else I enjoy: I sought it out.
Alright, looks like that's that. This interview is just about done. One last question though: what made you want to come here and get interviewed?
My curiosity got piqued when I had to handle the pamphlets at work, and saw a lone one advertising this place. Actually, I still have it right here… "Come and play video games with like-minded individuals." It sounded similar to the book clubs I'm in, so here I am.
Sweet, thank you for applying! I hope to see you again.
I agree, this was pleasant.