[Party Pals] Star Crew

The free-for-all players in the Party streams.

[Party Pals] Star Crew
The mechanic; The fashion model; The veteran.

The first group I played against on-stream. Tinker, Libra, and Winchester are a group of friends that mostly engage in free-for-alls with Brustle. They all represent a CPU difficulty: Tinker is Easy, Libra is Normal, and Winchester is Hard.


Tinker Gear

Tinker is a car mechanic, though that doesn't stop him from messing with other mechanical contraptions. Very friendly, almost to a point of hinderance to himself. While he can be carefree and playful, he has his moments where he zones in on the task at hand. He takes after his dad interest-wise, but gets his optimism and kindness from his mother. His curiosity brought him to Bhuster's Buzz.

Tinker is your typical raccoon, even following a stereotype for cartoon raccoons to be skilled in mechanics. He's got some boots, gloves, overalls, and bandana to indicate he works as one. His color of green matches with the CPU difficulty he has, as green represents something good, something easy. His eyes are white to provide a stark contrast to his mask, which can showcase his eye expressions.

This design and its colors are far better than my previous attempt. The previous one is a bit mismatched in how the colors work together, and is also missing certain details.

Libra Faym

Libra is a retired fashion model, and is currently a part-time actor and cover artist. A very determined woman, almost to the point of stubbornness, she always puts her best foot forwards. Likes competition, as she believes it's an important source of fuel for pushing oneself further. Has a big sense of sportsmanship, always wanting to be on even footing even if she loses because of it. Her family is filled with hardworkers and creative-types, all of which are proud of what she has accomplished. Originally mistook Bhuster's Buzz as a talent agency, but after being corrected, decided to stick around anyways.

Funnily enough, Libra is based off a Red Fox. Being viewed as graceful creatures, I had her job experiences be those where she can flaunt her stuff, physically or vocally. Her jacket and glasses are just designs I thought were cool, and lore-wise those were her favorite articles she's modelled with, so now that she isn't in fashion anymore it has become part of her usual wear. She is yellow, because the CPU difficulty she has requires a bit of caution.

I think this is loads better than her previous appearance. She had a square head and was a melanistic-yellow fox. I changed the head because I figured out how to do triangular-ish heads, and the latter was changed to separate her further from the ideas that I was given for her.

Winchester Trooper

Winchester is a grizzly bear, though I don't blame you for not noticing the "grizzlyness" of him. I didn't think having fluffy cheek tufts would look good on him, so I imagine he keeps himself groomed to look professional. I have never been part of the military, and never plan on it, but I wanted his character to be in it long enough that he acquired skills, but short enough that he never really had to go to war. I guess he also could've just gotten a position to guard a place instead of going out on the battlefield. Regardless, his outfit mostly represents that he's gotten that kind of training, and his current jobs are ways he can use those skills to help others now that he's out. He is red, because that is a sign that his hard CPU difficulty WILL kick your ass.

His previous design was more dull, looked like he was constantly stoned, and at one point had camo jeans. I think he looks better here.


Tinker Gear

Good to see you, Mister Gear! How has your day been going?
Good, yes good.

Great to hear. Alright, let's start at the beginning: Who are you and what do you do?
Yes yes, my name's Tinker! I fix cars.

Very brief. What got you into mechanics to begin with?
Dad was a racer! He drove speedy cars, yes yes. I got toys of all makes and models, and even got an RC car, yes RC. Very fun. Broke a lot, but I fixed it, yes I did.

I see. So, your dad does races. What else does your family do?
No no, dad doesn't race anymore. Yes, he retired. Mom has an… antique shop, yes, antique! Old and fragile thingies. Sometimes dad goes to derbies and rallies and derby rallies, yes yes! Grannie and gramps cook us dinner every weekend. Delicious, yes.

Sounds like it. Now, what do you do in your free time?
I like crafting things. Yes, it's fun making things that work. Made my new TV yesterday, yes yes. Tried coding too, but it was too confusing. No, too convoluted.

Any friends you hang out with?
Yes yes, I do! We sometimes race, from time-to-time. Some of them are from work, some of them stopped working from work, yes yes, and some come and go.

That's cool! Is there anything else you wanna say about yourself?
I have this… coin, yes, this coin. I don't remember where it came from, no no.

Interesting. Okay, have you any experiences with video games?
Yes yes! Dad got some racing games many many years ago. I was able to ride cars on screen! Very fun, yes. Haven't played in a while, no.

I'm guessing racing games are your favorite?
Yessir! They go fast and it's fun to go faster than others!

That just about wraps it up! Last question: what made you want to come here and get interviewed?
I was curious, yes curious.

Well, thank you for applying. I hope to see you soon.
Same here, yes yes.

Libra Faym

Good to see you here, Miss Faym. How're you doing?
Meh, I'm doin' alright.

Understandable. Let us begin: Who are you and what do you do?
The name's Libra Faym, though Libbie is fine too, and I do a lot of actin' gigs and song covers. I can show ya sum of them, I got them on my portfolio-

No need for that. This isn't a talent agency, I don't have to see your performances and what not.
…Well that's just rude.

I guess I should've been clear about what this place is-
Nonono, I was referrin' to declinin' my showcases. I made the mistake of thinkin' this was another agency, but this's still a job interview, right? These are still skills of mine.

I guess you're right, I'm sorry. Are you still trying to apply here?
Yea, I don't see why not.

Okay, so you've acted in things and sing covers. Are there other things you have done?
I first got my start in fashion. All sorts'a people makin' designs an' such, and I was the one to model in them. It was simultaneously the best an' worst time of my life.

Really? How so?
…You don't hear this from me, but the drama's intense. I had liked being not only a fashion model, but a role model as well, and I'd say I was pretty damn good at it. Only problem was just that alot of my peers were hellbent on backstabbin' and bad reppin'. Spreadin' rumors and whatnot. I'll be honest, I stayed for far longer than I should've.

If you don't mind me asking, was there a specific incident that caused you to finally quit?
I personally do mind.

No worries, I was just curious. Now, to move this interview into more comfortable territory, what got you into this set of jobs to begin with?
I always had a thing fer fashion. I think it was sum of them shows my ma an' pa always had on when I was a youngin'. I loved it all: from those flashy clothes that I can't believe they got away with showin', to the simple yet elegant designs. Another aspect was Halloween. My family loves doin' all sorts of crazy costumes for that night. 'twas a fun time, though that one year…

Oh, yes, sorry. We don't talk 'bout that year. Anyways after my stint in fashion I layed low fer a bit 'till someone came up to me askin' 'bout my business. He said he was lookin' for actors, and thought it be something I'd like tryin'. He was right, 'cause I felt like I fit right in. That's kinda where I am now.

That's pretty cool. You mentioned earlier that your family helped make costumes for Halloween, what are they like?
Dude, they made sum of the best costu-

Your family. What is your family like.
Whoops, sorry. My family's very tight knit. My gramma and grampa own a farm, so we always have them big family meals from time 't time. My gramps, my other grampa, he's a self-taught musician. Plays a fiddle. Ma runs a printin' business, has been for many years. Pa took from gramps, bein' a more creative type, but he's done a buncha stuff. Currently he's been workin' on sum books. I gotta say, I'm very thankful of my family, they're very supportive of what I do. If it weren't fer them, I wouldn't've gotten as far as I've gotten. Even my ma, who thinks I should get a more stable career, still supports me. There's love all around in my family.

That's very sweet. Do you still spend time with them?
Yessir I do.

That's good. Anything else you do in your spare time?
Well, I do a bit of sports here an' there. Ever since I was young my gramma has claimed I have a competitive streak. I played to win. Nowadays I… well I still play to win, but I also try to help people out, ya know? It's not fun if yer opponent isn't on the same level as ya, so I do my best to bring them up so that I can have a real challenge. Competition is how we become better, otherwise we become stagnant. It was part of why I didn't like bein' a fashion model at times. They either didn't compete at all and did the same mediocre shows, outfits, and what not, or they went the other way and were straight up bullies. Bein' competitive and bein' a bully are two different things, ya know?

Certainly. Have any friends you hang out with?
I made only a few friends in the fashion business, but lemme tell you, we're close pals. It ain't a party 'till we arrive.

Anything else you wanna say about yourself?
Well, I'd say I'm determined, confident, and stylish.

Next question, have you ever played any sort of video games or something?
Oh yea, definitely. Sometimes my friends want to play games, so we do. I generally kicked their asses. I was so good at them that I basically became a teacher for some of the harder moves and sections. If any of them beat me, it's usually considered the biggest feat.

What got you into them?
…I really don't have much of an answer to that. It's similar to how one gets into stuff like movies, books, shows, plays, sports. I just saw one an' thought it was cool. Didn't have many as a kid, but I did have them.

What would you say is your favorite genre? Is it correct to assume it's fighting games?
I guess that's true. I play more of those than any other genre. It's kinda like a duel, ya know? One on one, best of three? It involves skill and techniques, both of which I have.

Alright, I think this interview's just about done. One last question: what made you want to come here and get interviewed, besides originally thinking this was a talent agency?
I sometimes go out an' apply to places I wanna help out. It's usually why I aim for them agencies, but this place also seems nice enough.

Alright, thanks for applying! I hope to see you again.
Same here fella. Sayonara!

Winchester Trooper

Good to see you, Mister Trooper. How has your day been?

Fair enough. Let's get right into it, shall we? First off: Who are you and what do you do?
The name is Winchester Trooper, often shortened to Chester, or occasionally Sir Trooper. I was a member of the military, was stationed in a desert outpost far away from basically anything, and eventually left the military. With the skills I learned from my time, I teach both self-defense and gun safety lessons.

Interesting, was there a reason you went into the military to begin with?
I had next to nothing going on in my life, and I wanted to make my lone mother proud. I had instant regret with the incredibly harsh training, but I do not regret learning what I did. Being stationed at my post was the most calming part about my time.

How did you get where you are now, job-wise?
I think people should have the skills to defend themselves. Safety is important. That is why I chose to be an instructor in both. I help people help themselves.

That's very noble of you. You mentioned having a lone mother earlier, is she really your only family member?
No. I do have grandparents from both sides that I see from time to time, but in regards to my immediate family, she is all that I have. My father passed away while my mother was pregnant with me. From what I heard, he was a good man taken away at his prime.

…You'll have to forgive me, I don't really know how to respond to that, but I'm sorry you never got to know him.
Do not sweat it, but I do thank you for the moment of silence. I respect that.

What is your family like? What do they do?
My father's parents own a distillery, my mother's parents own a bakery, which she also works at. My mother is always doting on me. I at first found it annoying when I was young, but now it is more of a comfort. She is the sweetest mother I could have ever gotten.

That's cool. Is there anything else you wanna share about yourself?
I do get tired of being an instructor for a living. Fortunately, my friends let me relax when we hang out. I am thankful that they are not very rambunctious. Occasionally we do other activities that are more energetic. I have been known in our group as the strategy master. Any activities that we do, I put my all into. It does not matter if it is a sport, a board game, or a video game. It is considered a rite of passage if a friend can defeat me.

I see. So you're a strategist, I take it? What got you into playing games in the first place?
I am a strategist. I did learn from my time in the military, after all. I was into sports first, with soccer and basketball being my favorites as a kid. It was when I was in the military that I heard about Chess. Something about that board game sucked me in. I think I got hooked on it because my squad was always talking about strategy, and planning farther ahead than necessary. So I used what I had learned and started to win more and more matches. Once I had left, I learned about video games. I was a strict rules lawyer when we played Chess, or any other board game, for that matter. I tried a game and came to a realization: video games do all the rule-checking for you, so people like me do not have to be "that guy" who everyone hates. Since I do not have to correct people on the rules anymore, I can put more time into my strategies in these games.

Makes sense to me. I have one more question here: what made you want to come here and get interviewed?
One of my friends recommended this place to me when they saw you needed an expert at video games. I just obliged.

Sweet, thank you for applying. I hope we'll meet again.