Duel Fanatics (OLD)

The more competitive friend group. (Old designs)

Duel Fanatics (OLD)
Smug; Sassy; Stoic

Finally, after all this time...

I had originally envisioned having more characters for the Party streams that would show up in specific situations. There were going to be two other groups alongside the SkillCheck Crew (formerly the CPU Pals) and this group (formerly the COM Rival [wolf] and the AI Champion [the lion]). The second group of four would've had an athletic hare, a pilot pigeon, and an explorer turtle, while the third would've had a mad scientist honey badger, a magician owl, and a bounty hunter crocodile. While I am talking about this here, I had also planned for a helper to help out for more specific circumstances, but I don't exactly remember what the plan was there, plus I have a familiar, so I already have help anyways.

I designed these guys to actually be the inverse of me, or rather, Brustle. Bouncing some ideas off of an AI, plus some opinions from people, were all the help I had here, as I had the final call. These are more my ideas than the SkillCheck Crew were.

Oliver Saint, the blue dog, is a cleric who's very deadpan and stoic. Kind and serious in other areas of his life, he likes to relax with others. Willow Adal, the red-orange wolf, is a hacker who's "quirky," which just means she's silly and sassy. Very hyperactive and out of control, but is surprisingly more clever than she appears. Ruth Bloodwood, the green lion, is a summoner who is very smug and full of himself. Having once sought power long ago, he's mellowed out and is finding his own way in life with the friends he's made along the way.

Oliver Saint

Oliver was the last one to be thought of, but he's the first created. The inverses here are his cleric to Brustle's mage, and that he doesn't emote as much, if at all, compared to the wide range of emotion Brustle can showcase. Brustle's magic is used more to help herself out, while Oliver uses it to help others, specifically with healing them. The robes he has are a full-on cleric fit, being a decent yellow with a fitting red trim to contrast his base color scheme. Underneath he wears a yellow-orange shirt with dull red pants. He himself is very round and not threatening, despite what his deadpan look would imply. His dog breed is a Saint Bernard, hence the word Saint in his name. His lime-green eyes contrast well with the rest of his colors, especially the darkest blue that frame them, and the purple hair that adds to his dull purple and light blue color scheme.

Oliver was mostly my own design, with ChatGPT helping me figure out what profession he should have, and I decided on a cleric out of the options. He's a St Bernard because that's my favorite dog breed, next to chihuahuas, plus he's a domestic dog as opposed to the domestic cat Brustle is. His robes are based off of the Lunatic Cultist's robes from Terraria.

Willow Adal

The first one thought of, the second one made. The inverses here are that she's a hacker, completely opposite of a mage, plus she is more silly upfront, as compared to Brustle's laidback silliness and more upfront snarkiness. Brustle messes with the forces of nature, while Willow meddles with anything with a connection to tech. Without any good ideas to imply her hacker background, I instead tried going for an outfit reminiscent of those seen on OC's specific to early-to-late 2000's, where everyone was "quirky." She's got black-and-yellow striped leggings underneath her shorts, and a neon green cropped cold shoulder top underneath her dark turquoise hoodie, which has a crescent moon symbol. I tried my best at making her not look like a fox, especially since I already have a fox character, so that would be awkward. A long yet strong snout I think was the best way to go about that, since foxes are more graceful and slender. Her eyes are about as purple as this background you are currently reading this on, which contrasts well to her other colors. Meanwhile, her maroon hair compliments them.

I think ChatGPT had the biggest hand in Willow's creation, and I still changed some things. She was originally Ember Trace, an orange dog with mismatched eyes (just like Brustle's eyes). Ember had what the AI called a "modern, tech-savvy look," having a bright green jacket over a dark purple turtleneck with red pants. She wasn't called a hacker, that was me deciding that. Also I changed her to a wolf, since that's a feral canine while Brustle is a domestic feline. I was intending on keeping the orange fur, but then I noticed that it just made her look like an ordinary fox, so she's now red (still doesn't help as much, but now she doesn't look 100% like a fox). She was also intended to be a calmer person as opposed to Brustle's calculated chaos.

Ruth Bloodwood

The last one, period. Originally a warlock, he now has different inverses: he's a summoner to combat Brustle's mage, and he's a smug piece of shit, while Brustle is more humble. While Brustle is independent with her magic (even her familiar is just an extension of her), Ruth relies on the power of teamwork with his summons. It was also hard to figure out an outfit that implies his summoning prowess, but I think this works. He's dressed a little bit formal, with his maroon pants and his blood-red vest over his pale orange undershirt, with a purple capelet to top it all off. He's a very cunning and mischievous lion, and despite a little bit of trouble at the beginning I think I pulled it off. Dull orange eyes, neon green fur, and dark green hair all tie themselves into making him look just problematic enough without delving into evilness. I had a difficult time with his head, but now it really does look lion-like, and his eyes add that extra bit of smug and sharpness to his personality.

Ruth, like Oliver, only got his profession from ChatGPT. He was originally a warlock, but that was too evil, so I was struggling to figure out what he should be. Summoner fits well. I tried to use Scar from the Lion King as a reference, but really that only came out in the face, and even then that's debatable. The first try I did for his head he looked more like a bear, but then I noticed something that would've been helpful when designing Libra: it is possible to have a triangular-ish head. Doing that, moving the cheek tufts up on the head, and now getting better ears made him look more like a lion. I also struggled with his outfit, but since I figured he'd look a bit like a fantasy businessman or something like that, he'd have a vest with a long-sleeved undershirt, with a short cloak (eventually became a capelet).


Once again, same rules apply as last time. Bhuster/Brustle is interviewing each character in a way that implies a conversation, so that I can convey as much of their personality as I can.

Oliver Saint's interview

How are you, Oliver?

I'm doing well, Sol be with me.

Mind telling us some details about yourself, like your pronouns, nicknames, jobs, and so on?

My full name is Oliver Saint, cleric of the sun god Sol. I use the powers I am given to help others through tough times. It's honest work, and though it may not look like it, I do enjoy what I do. Oh, and I am a male.

How did you find Sol as your deity?

I was lost for a long time when I was a pup. My happy days turned sour when I was abandoned, and for the rest of my pup years through to the start of my adulthood I was wandering the world, trying to find a home to take me in. I encountered someone following Sol one fateful day, and he told me all he knew. Even pointed me to the temple he had left a little while ago. That is where I started learning His teachings and started training to become a cleric.

Cleric, huh? Is there a significant reason you chose that job?

I sustained many injuries while I was nomadic. Some people I've encountered during those times helped me out, despite not gaining anything from it. I've also seen my fair share of people who were hurt out there, and I was unable to help them. You know the moon god Luna, right? While She is the one known for healing and comfort, that doesn't mean Sol shuns out the weak and injured. He's just as caring as Her, just different philosophies. He was a light, guiding me out of my darkness, and I hope I can help others out of their darkness too.

Is there any chance you remember what your family was like?

...hm. I can't recall too much. They weren't good... I'm sorry, that's about all.

No worries! Follow up question: have you found a new family?

Yes. There's the obvious one, my fellow clerics, but for the few days you people have had me here, you guys have pretty much accepted me. For that, I am grateful, Sol be with you.

How would you describe yourself?

I am an aura of light. While I am not that beacon Sol would like me to be, I have been working hard to become one.

How would your cleric family describe you?

The worst would probably be "dull," but they're very understanding that I am not good with showing how I feel. At best one of them described me as "a breath of fresh air."

How would the other two people here describe you?

I believe Miss Willow would call me "fancy" or "dapper," though I have a hard time reading her. Mister Ruth has called me a gentleman before, and I think he'd call me calm after witnessing... Miss Willow's energy.

What got you into video games?

When I learned of them, I first thought they were just games. Stuff to pass the time, time that should be better spent getting better. But then I witnessed some of my brethren playing some one time, and I learned two things. One, video games are just another medium for storytelling now, or at least they're more like that than they were before. The other is that it allows one to hang out with friends and family, providing a common topic to discuss while doing so. That's when I started playing.

What brought you here?

Fate works in mysterious ways, my friend. It's best to take advantage of what Sol lays before us.

Even if that means dealing with me shouting your name in anger if you win?

Well, anger is natural if stuff doesn't go the way we want it to. I assume you aren't actually going to be mad at us, otherwise this question wouldn't be here and you wouldn't be as kind and relaxed.

What's your goal in these upcoming sessions?

Be with interesting people, creating memories.

Willow Adal's interview

How are you, Willow?

Why, I'm doing quite well!

Mind telling us some details about yourself, like your pronouns, nicknames, jobs, and so on?

The name's Willow Adal, but just call me Willow! I'm a woman, if that wasn't obvious enough. This hoodie used to be baggy on me once, you know. Anyways, I work as a hacker (a white hat hacker, to be specific; well, I try to be anyways). Someone has to test the defenses of websites, servers, systems, software, and the likes, and I just so happen to enjoy fucking around with technology on all levels!

What got you into technology, let alone hacking it?

Ooo, it was definitely those computer labs in my elementary school when I was a pup! Had to convince my parents to get me one; they were concerned on what I would come across if I were to have one at home. Eventually, as I got older, they finally let me have one of my own, but with some restrictions. It was during my 7th grade  junior high class one day when I finally got tired of all these restrictions, and so I spent time trying to brute force those monitoring apps and whatnot so that I could go everywhere online. I finally did it, and learned all the reasons why they didn't want me to have unrestricted access in the first place. Some of those sites I think had a bigger impact on who I am now than I could've ever comprehended.

Did you get grounded for it?

Big time. Ever since, I still practiced hacking into stuff, but I made sure to cover my tracks. Let me tell you, nothing's as embarrassing as learning your parents actually knew how to access your internet history. Gods, that was fucking AWFUL! Started using incognito mode after that.

What is your family like, anyways?

Well, they were the kind that believed in having "phases," and still think I'm "sticking to this one" for too long. This aesthetic, that's what they're referring to. Honestly, they're lucky I went MILD!! There's so many more people and characters that went more over the top and I'm just like "girl, that's too much!" But really, though, they're not bad. Just sometimes confused at the stuff that I do. They try, which is more than some parents out there could even be asked sadly. My boss had to explain to them that this time, my hacking skills were actually a GOOD thing, and that I was helping them patch holes in their defenses. They became more supportive after that.

...I meant, what do they do?

...Oh, sorry! I tend to ramble a lot. Dad works in an office, mom worked as a vice principle in a school well before my birth. She now works as a project manager in a branding agency. She helped me find the cheapest place to get this custom hoodie! On my mom's side of the family, granny is currently teaching Art History in college, and on my dad's side, gramps had his own business for a while, and is currently retired. His company was construction-based or something... Shoot, if I remember the name later I'll tell you!

How would you describe yourself?

I'll be the first to say it, quirky can work, but that's such a cringey word now that I hate using it. My actual answer here is "unique." I'm silly, and very energetic. I may be a bit much, but I feel I'm pretty friendly too!

How would your family and coworkers describe you?

My parents would definitely call me a handful. Since they're not here, I would argue that I'm definitely two handfuls, hehe… My boss has stated in writing that while I can be strange and weird, that I do good work and am a quick learner. Certainly a strange way of getting a compliment, let me tell you.

How would the other two people here describe you?

Weird and wild. Ollie told Ruth that I must be "full of spirit," which is flattering.

What got you into video games?

Saw some cartoon parodies of them that I definitely shouldn't have. Whoops! I had originally thought they were parodies of movies or books, but through research I found they were actual games! Dude, those stories were some of the best ones I've ever experienced! I think it's due to having control of one of the main characters or something. My friends got into them a bit through me, but the ones they latched to were more for fun than for the story. Still hella fun, though. We had the most fun through telling our own stories using the video games as a base. I'll never forget Sir Ruffle Tiffins...

What brought you here?

Your little escapades with the cute raccoon, that sexy fox, and that hunk of a bear! When you put out advertisements to do this, I knew I had to sign up!

Even if that means dealing with me shouting your name in anger if you win?

The cherry on top, man! Can't threaten me with a good time! I'll make you scream my name if I have to. I'll be looking forward to it!

What's your goal in these upcoming sessions?

Having fun and winning! Granted, with the others here, as well as witnessing you get triumph over triumph, it will definitely be a hell of a hard time, for sure. But that won't stop me!

Ruth Bloodwood's interview

How are you, Ruth?

I am well. I appreciate your generosity for having me here.

Mind telling us some details about yourself, like your pronouns, nicknames, jobs, and so on?

Ah, right, the interview. Very well, I am Ruth Bloodwood, a master summoner. While I won't mind one using my full name, just Ruth is fine. I am a man, no need to make any unnecessary assumptions. I can summon many beasts into this realm, as well as dismiss them. People assume that summoners can only call spirits and animals into this world, it's important that they know that's not all we do.

Never assumed that. What is it about summoning that called you?

Have you ever wanted power, but everything you tried studying ended up not working out for you? That was my initial reasoning for becoming one. If I can't do it, someone else can. I admit, I still wasn't the best student, but my teachers and my first summons helped me understand that summoning is not about power. It's about teamwork, the bonds you make. You have a familiar, yes? I understand that a familiar is actually part of your soul, an extension of yourself, but bear with me here. Having a summon requires you to be more sympathetic to them. You befriend them, begin to trust them. Nowadays, I will never ask anyone of my summons to do something they won't do. You have to stop thinking among the lines of "which one should I use to do this task," and start thinking "who can I call upon to help me do this task." I no longer desire ultimate power, I have friends, both summons and otherwise, that I care for, and I am willing to do just as much for them as they are for me.

What's your family like?

Ah, my family is very supportive. Why, I can't ever remember a time where they ever questioned the directions I chose. They're nobles, so I figure they had the leisure to let me make as many mistakes as I could, but that doesn't mean I thank them less for it. I truly am lucky to have them.

How would you describe yourself?

I consider myself to be a gentlemen these days. It's kind of impossible for me to be humble with the skills I've acquired, but I don't consider that bad. I just try not to use my power to look down upon others.

How would your family and summons describe you?

My summons?... I admit that's a tough one. I'd like to think they have a positive view of me, the worst I can think of is that they'd call me "dismissive." As for my parents, I invite you to guess.

How would the other two people here describe you?

...I can't really provide much of an answer here, given that I've just met them recently. I can't even understand what passes through Willow's mind whenever she speaks.

What got you into video games?

I always had access to them, they were in our library. My parents got them for me because they saw them as toys. My family still thinks of them as such, but they still get me some. I think my dad understands on some level, actually. Sometimes you need something to focus on. He would know, he tinkers with clockwork items from time to time. He finds it fun and it helps pass the time, and I think that's what he views games as.

What brought you here?

You offered some games and some friends. I haven't played in a while, but I figured this will be fun regardless.

Even if that means dealing with me shouting your name in anger if you win?

...well, I... I guess? If this is a joke it's not that humorous to me.

What's your goal in these upcoming sessions?

I want to make some new friends, and that's exactly what I plan on doing.