OFF's New Soundtrack is an Amazing Alternative to the Old Soundtrack
The music is fine, stop complaining.

You ever hear of a game called OFF?
If you've been on this site for a while, then it should be yes.
This game is one of my favorite RPGMaker games, as its story, music, and vibes are mostly unmatched. It's garnered a sort of cult following due to this.
Now late last year (VERY late), OFF was announced to be getting... a remake? A remaster? I'm still not sure what to call it, so I'll resort to calling it OFF (2025) for brevity, as I believe it's coming out this year, and the original as OFF (2008).
Now you should know already that I love a lot of older games, and a lot of newer games. I don't care usually how it's presented, just as long as it can do the things it needs to do. I never had much of a problem with OFF 2008, but I will say that the battle system is finicky. I'm really hyped about OFF 2025 because it's doing some polishing, while also adding a few new things at the very least, if the trailer is to be believed (and I am believing).
One of the things about OFF 2025 that we know about is that it's getting a whole new soundtrack. From what we know, it's because the original composer Alias Conrad Coldwood didn't want to sign anything for his music to be used in this new release, but has stated that he doesn't mind someone making a new soundtrack for it. This information is found here:,the%20new%20soundtrack.
Yes, you are reading that link right.
Toby Fox & Morusque
The current composers we know of
Toby Fox's name should sound familiar (and if not, here's a hint: UNDERTALE), but Morusque's actual name is Yann van der Cruyssen, who has worked on the Stray soundtrack, the game with the cat. These two (with Toby getting some help Camellia) are the composers we currently know are working on this new soundtrack. They have also done interviews on the OFF website.
Toby Fox's:
Included in each interview is two songs that have been shared with us, showcasing what the new soundtrack is going to be like. I've listened to all four, and I for one love what I'm hearing. I can't wait to see what the actual game has in store for us.
However, there are some people apparently complaining about the soundtrack they hear, especially in regards to Toby's work at the moment. I don't know if this has changed recently, as this post has been something I wanted to make for at least a few weeks now. They don't think he's able to catch the spark Coldwood did with his soundtrack, especially in regards to the regular battle music.
I'm here to point out two things. First, that's the whole point.
Toby has said here that he already feels bad about replacing the music for this game, likening it to breaking into someone's house and plastering your face all over their photos. With that said, he's said that while he can't replace the original experience, he attempts to make a cool one nonetheless. In particular, he's been handed the job of making the regular battle themes, something of which the 2008 version (which has only one regular battle theme) is very, very, VERY, well known for. Pepper Steak, the battle them Coldwood made, is one of my favorites from that game, as it's the right amount of chaos and energy. Toby has to make at least three of those, if not more.
The thing I look for in a soundtrack is whether or not it fits the tone the game wants it to. Knowing where the current songs we know play, and more importantly when they play, I can say that they're a perfect fit. Morusque makes great ambience, and Toby can make banger music. Of course, people don't seem to think that way, and will just complain about the fact that the music can't replace the original soundtrack, missing the point of the new music. I see people complain more about Toby's music than Morusque's, and that's because of the tracks Toby was handed to design. His battle theme is from the first zone, which is where you fully experience the world of OFF for the first time, and thus has a lot of exposition to get a feel for. So of course Zone 1's battle theme, White Meat, is not as crazy as Pepper Steak is for the whole game, and that makes sense. Don't go full-send into the crazy just yet, let it build up.
That's the message I want to leave behind. It's not replacing the original soundtrack, nor is OFF 2025 going to replace OFF 2008 (you can still go get the 2008 version for free, that will never change). It will be its own experience with new music that essentially fits the tone and theming of the game. Give them a chance, none of us can truly be sure how well it fits if we haven't even gotten the game yet.