Plotting some changes...
I am not a man of change. Rather, I am one of stagnation until either I get tired or it gets detrimental.
This is not going to be a big change like moving websites or "rebranding" (for lack of a better word), just some smaller changes I am considering.
The Idea of my Avatar(s)
You can never have too many.
Bhuster, Bramble, and Brustle have been my avatars for a while. Technically, BrambleClaw existed before all of them, with Bhuster taking shape soon after. Brustle is just a Rule 63'd, furrified version of Bhuster. More recently, I've been thinking of maybe actually having a fursona that aligned with my gender, but I don't want to get rid of Brustle. Add in the fact that having two names for two different forms of my avatar, while also generally being called one of them online, gets confusing after a while. Also, my art skills have gotten better since I first started drawing all of my characters using that weird reference thingy, which has them angled in such a perplexing way.
I had started a reference sheet for my avatars, but now I am thinking about fixing their designs a bit, and drawing them better. I am also thinking that, rather than converting my furry catgirl into a man, that I should commit the other way and just have 4 forms my main avatar can take: a blue guy, a cyan tomcat, a blue gal, and a cyan catgirl. It might not happen, but I'm considering it. Still won't solve the name thing though.
On a similar note, I am thinking about doing the same design fixes for the other furry characters I have here. Yes, that includes the ones I have just made recently.
Quality of Streams
Can they truly be fixed?
I'm also trying to plan ways to make my streams look better. I want a better PNGTuber program for the ideas I have now. I want each "screen" to have better planning. I want an easier way to not only switch between my characters, but to add in new ones too. Stuff like that. I have researched some options for PNGTuber programs, and will be experimenting soon. Honestly, though, I think some of that kind of stuff will only happen after those redesigns first.
Then there's chat. I have conversations with them, but the only way you'd know what they're saying is if either you read chat or if you hear me stating what they're talking about.
The fanart still needs to be viewable though, which means I need to find a way to keep it around.
Lastly, the characters and chat I want to have in a layout where it isn't blocking the game, but also I don't want to shrink the game down so that you have no idea what's happening.
There's a lot of stuff I need to plan out. Honestly, I've just been debating on having a drawing stream where I plan this stuff out in Krita.
welp time for an awkward goodbye since this is just the most spontaneous of rambles BY-