Progress: Slight, Slight Progress

It's April, my birth month! Also stuff regarding my music, my (soon to be) 1st LP, and the project I'm working on.

I know I haven't been here in at least a week, but that's partially because I haven't had too much to say (hell, even now I still feel like I don't have much to actually report on).


April is my birth month, with the date falling around the end of the month. The beginning of the month, however, is not particularly my favorite.

I used to kinda like April Fools, but I grew out of it. There are a few reasons why. One is because I don't particularly like surprises, another is that with how the world is these days, there's a much higher chance that someone's gonna make a prank that goes wrong.

However, I do remember seeing an April Fools prank that I found funny.

As a fan of horror games, I know about Bendy and the Ink Machine. I don't particularly like those games, but I've heard that their newest game is... better than the first. I got recommended a video from the people making that new game, and it was an "official Switch trailer" for a new game in the Bendy universe, this time it was a dating sim in a school setting. Naturally, I fell for it and thought to myself "there's no way they're gonna try and make that their next game", until I realized that they posted it on April 1st.

I got this recommended to me two days after April 1st.


If you've seen some of my previous posts, you know I love music. In my last music-related post, I mentioned both the fact that I have an ever growing list of music, and that I have been fixing up and reorganizing them.

I currently have just about all my regular songs that I had on Spotify. I have sorted through most of them. It gets tedious sometimes to just sort it through into my music folder, but I prefer doing this by hand. My dad loves technology and AI, but I like doing some things myself.

My video game OST's, however, I currently only have 4 of them: New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Castle Crashers, Terraria, and BattleBlock Theater. A decent start, I might say. They are pretty good soundtracks, and I'm glad I hav- there are at the very least 214 soundtracks left for me to fix.

Yes, you read that right. Out of my entire collection of OST's, I managed to get 4 done, and have at least 214 left.

Worse yet, not only do I know that I'm missing quite a few songs from some of them, but I have more to collect. I'm not done collecting soundtracks yet.

As for the reason why I have only 4 done, keep in mind I've been extending these tracks (making them loop more than once). It may not feel like it should take too long, it depends on the track and the quality of the track you download. Some start the track a few seconds in, cutting off either the perfect loop point or the intro (which sucks a lot). Some cut the track off early, which once again messes with either a loop point or an outro. Some are just not good rips. However, that's to be expected.

So yea, it's gonna take a long while to reclaim my OST collection. I've sacrificed speed for accuracy, which I am perfectly okay with. I will have more control over it.

Let's Plays

I believe in a previous post I said that I'm planning to LP Paper Mario 64 for my first actual LP, but I have decided against that. This first one will be a game I absolutely loved as a kid. I will be playing through its' singleplayer adventure mode. No name yet though.

I'm planning to do Post-Commentary over it. Post-Commentary will be portrayed by Bhuster, my avatar (whom I will nickname Blue to distinguish that I'm talking about the avatar and not myself). Edits that correct mistakes in my information will be portrayed by Bramble, the familiar. Since there will be no past commentary as I'm playing the game, instead I'll have Brustle show expressions in regards to what's happening on the screen.

In addition, I'm gonna make it better edited than my unfinished LP #0, as well as making the videos shorter if possible. More thought will be put into making sure that I don't waste anyone's time.

The purpose of these LP's are to share my favorite games and experiences (and maybe experience things I haven't been able to before), so I prefer to showcase all that the game wants to show.

I also want to make a subseries where I just play horror games instead. Horror is a weird and interesting genre, it's that kinda genre where it depends person to person on whether it's good or not, moreso than others. As a fan of horror games (see above in the APRIL section) I want to share what I can, which is going to be a lot of my favorites, or possibly just experiencing some of them because I was never able to before.

I have been debating calling that subseries "Fear for All". Only time will tell whether or not I keep it.


Remember when I said that I was working on a project that I play through and experience myself?

Scratch that, reverse it.

I realized that, as the creator of the project, I shouldn't be the one that needs to experience it. Which sucks, because I want to have a story that I can't fully tell the outcome of.

Hence why I'm going to have a character that chooses random decisions.

Now don't be alarmed, it's not full randomness. They will have priorities; the higher the priority, the more numbers on the dice that belong to them. I feel this works extremely well, because this allows the character to make mistakes.

Now to explain why I'm making it in the first place: I'm an artist that wants to work on an experience for everyone available. I want excuses to draw these locations and entities, I want excuses to make music that fits the scenario, I want excuses to test out the full potential of my video editing program to see if I can make a decent animated web series with just still art, layers of music tracks, and a story to follow.

Without spoiling too much of this idea right now, I have made a lot of progress on some aspects of it (obviously not enough to be able to name the project sadly). Hopefully I can get to the point where I know how to actually start having my random character play through it.

That's all for now. I am sorry that I take a few weeks to make another post sometimes. There usually isn't anything too interesting in my life that I'm willing to share on the internet, I've been working on things, and I suck at time management. I do like this website, and I want to post more often, but that requires time to actually think about what I'm putting here without speaking full gibberish all the time. I want to post stuff that I enjoy (or enjoy ripping into) here. I need to either fix my time issues, find a thing that I can have a set schedule for, or perhaps even both.

Anyways, I should go. I'm rambling.

Cya next time.