Bhuster's Backlog #17 - Battletoads (COMPLETE)

It's time for the worst idea I've ever had. Pimp and Zane attempt to rescue their brother Todd and his gf or something.

Bhuster's Backlog #17 - Battletoads (COMPLETE)
Fuck: Fuck

A favorite LPer of mine did a race of Battletoads with his three friends. They all had infinite lives enabled, and the goal was to beat the game. It's one of my favorite series on YouTube, part of which had to do with the gag achievements that everyone got.

While I can't do the achievements, I am doing everything else. Playing through Battletoads, with a cheat that gives me infinite lives (because there's no way in hell I'd be able to get past even the first part of Level 1 without losing a few lives). Here's hoping my death is quick and painless. (Spoilers: It wasn't)