Bhuster's Backlog #20 - VVVVVV (COMPLETE)

Bhuster goes to space and then shit happens!

Bhuster's Backlog #20 - VVVVVV (COMPLETE)
The joke about the title is that they look like spikes, a main hazard in the game.

So apparently it turns out I am not a huge fan of Sunshine's secret levels. I had literally pounded my leg with my right hand, and it still hurts a little bit today, on both the leg and hand.

To have a calmer time, let's play VVVVVV. It's a short indie game about flipping gravity to platform. It's fun, I have actually 100% completed the game, all 20 trinkets, before I ever started these streams. So I'm doing it again.

I'm also doing this because I feel like I've been playing too many Nintendo games for the Backlog recently. They're my most prominent streams, hell this is #20, while everything else is at #5 or below. So, in order to share some of my favorite ones with the people who watch, I'm gonna do some of these Steam games I have for the next few Backlog streams, this being the first (of this batch; it's the second overall due to PvZ being first).

Watch as I throw Captain Viridian into the spikes a gazillion times, poking his eyehole each and every time.