Bhuster's Backlog #21 - ANIMAL WELL (COMPLETE)

Slimefriend has woken up, let us explore this beautiful game with them.

Bhuster's Backlog #21 - ANIMAL WELL (COMPLETE)
I sure hope they are...

This game released this year at some point. I thought it looked amazing so I wanted to play it.

I've been doing a lot of Nintendo games (+ other games on Nintendo systems), so I thought I should play through some actual PC games on the Backlog. Last game was VVVVVV, which was short & sweet.

I had a poll on my channel, where I had four protagonists shown (the slime from this game, Vi from Bug Fables, the guy from Cave Story+, and the Batter from OFF), and said that they should vote on only whether or not they wanted to see that character's journey. ANIMAL WELL and OFF tied, each with two votes, while Cave Story+ got one vote and Bug Fables got none. It's fitting, that the two game that have screaming titles got tied for first.

Now, since I have played OFF and know its length, and also because I wanted to play it at a better time for people, I chose this game. It looks like my jam, and I hope it is enjoyable.

[I had another game in mind before choosing to do a poll, and said game wasn't put on the poll. Said poll has also been used to determine the next set of games I'll be playing on the Backlog, with the poll-less game being last. This order is: ANIMAL WELL, OFF, Cave Story+, Bug Fables, and Jazzpunk.]