Bhuster's Backlog #26 - Pikmin 2 (COMPLETE)

We just wanted to go back home, but now we have infinity amount of days to collect enough treasure to get outta debt!

Bhuster's Backlog #26 - Pikmin 2 (COMPLETE)
Now with double the captains!

At this moment, I have 4 pieces of Completion Art that I want to get through before adding more to that list. However, I also wanted to play through another game for the Backlog.

This is the result. Pikmin 2, unlike its predecessor, doesn't have a strict time limit (day-wise; time-wise you still have the day and night cycle, and you end the day at night). With only four areas, you'd expect it to be shorter, but in fact there are multiple caves in each area, which add a whole new layer of depth to the gameplay. I loved this game as a kid, and I'm already still enjoying myself. With a relaxing yet thought-provoking game, and all the time in the world, let's see how many streams it takes before I beat the game.

I should clarify: I don't count clearing the debt as beating the game, I consider collecting all the treasures & beating the final boss as beating the game.