Bhuster's Backburner #1 - Rain World: Downpour (COMPLETE)

Bhuster explores the beautiful and dangerous world of rain.

Bhuster's Backburner #1 - Rain World: Downpour (COMPLETE)
Rainy days are always great for staying inside and waiting for it to blow over.

The start of an additional idea of mine. This "backburner" series is going to be used for longer games that require exploration and stuff like that. These streams are also only streamed when I can stream on any day that isn't my regular schedule, or as a break from the primary playthrough.

I've talked about Rain World here on this site before, so of course I wanted to play it at some point. So here it is. This playlist will include all of the slugcat campaigns in this order with these goals:

  • Monk (COMPLETE): find all regular regions, return a cloak, listen to all echoes, and beat the game
  • Survivor (COMPLETE): get the Pilgrimage achievement (find 4 echoes before Pebbles) and beat the game
  • Hunter (COMPLETE): complete their task and deliver a pearl message (and hopefully have time to beat the game)
  • Gourmand (COMPLETE): find all flavors and reach home
  • Artificer (COMPLETE): beat the boss
  • Rivulet (COMPLETE): save a friend
  • Spearmaster (COMPLETE): grab pearl, overwrite pearl, and broadcast pearl (also get all broadcasts)
  • Saint (COMPLETE): find all regions, find all echoes, help two friends, and beat the game
  • ??? (COMPLETE): beat the game, no matter the cost

Monk-??? were beaten on the Downpour DLC. With the addition of new DLC soon, unsure how many campaigns there will be, will be done obviously using that DLC, known as The Watcher.