Bhuster's Backburner #10 - Pokemon: Crystal Version (COMPLETE)
Is a mineral more sturdy than colors? Let's find out together!

I remember calling Yellow clunky, slow, and confusing. Well, maybe not that last one, but it certainly was for me. A lack of colors plus a small screen makes everywhere look the same, and even just looking at the map didn't help much.
This already looks much better, sounds better, and feels better to me. But will that last? I certainly hope so, it's pretty cool.
This is the ultimate version of Gen 2, and alongside my starter Charcoal the Cyndaquil, we're gonna tackle (or Ember) everyone in our path.
For this playthrough, here are my goals:
- Beat the Elite 4 and Champion (COMPLETE)
- Complete the Kanto Gyms
- Defeat Red