Bhuster's Backburner #2 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (COMPLETE)

A self-proclaimed blue creature teams up with a flaming ass to fight crime and chew gummi's.

Bhuster's Backburner #2 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (COMPLETE)
This is a bit of a role reversal between me and my new partner...

Growing up, this was my first Pokemon game ever. My first actual mainline game is being saved for another time.

In a reference to the save file that beat the main game, my partner and I have become each other. In that file I was the cyndaquil, while they were the mudkip. This time, I see that (after the first attempt) I became the Mudkip (a sign that shows I've changed), so join Bhlue and Cyris as they start up their own rescue team to try and help other pokemon in need.

My goals this playthrough are as follows:

  • Beat the main campaign (COMPLETE)
  • Beat the rest of the special events