Bhuster's Backburner #5 - Pokemon: Yellow Version (COMPLETE)

Witness my first legit journey through the Kanto region, with my trusty pikachu Dr. Zapixl.

Bhuster's Backburner #5 - Pokemon: Yellow Version (COMPLETE)
Sure looks Yellow to me.

Finally, it's time.

I have wanted to get started on these games because I miss being able to watch a lot of these playthroughs. Seriously, there are so many pokemon playthroughs, mostly thanks to challenge runs.

So I will be playing through the "ultimate edition" of Gen 1: Yellow Version. Here, I will start out with Pikachu (whom I have named Dr. Zapixl.), and we will see whom our team will consist of once we beat the Elite 4.

For this playthrough, these are my goals:

  • Beat the Elite 4 & Champion (COMPLETE)
  • Defeat the Legendary Birds (COMPLETE)
  • Defeat Mewtwo (COMPLETE)